Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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April 30, 2014 In This Issue
Member News
Federal Initiatives
National News
Provincial News
Snippings and Clippings
Acromag, Inc.
Xylem Inc.
Chemline Plastics Limited
Reaching out to young people can be a challenge, but it certainly is fun. I recently participated in a "Human Library" event with the Ottawa School Board. It was kind of a Career Day meets Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood. Dozens of community professionals made themselves available to Ottawa high school students to explain what they do and discuss the major issues of that field.
CWWA is currently planning the 16th Canadian Conference on Drinking Water, to be held in the National Capital Region from October 26–29, 2014. Taking place at the Hilton Lac Leamy in Gatineau Quebec, this is a fantastic venue for meeting, networking and to enjoy everything the National Capital has to offer.
Member News
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) and, the American Biogas Council (ABC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will help accelerate organics recycling by jointly promoting the value of resource recovery, specifically the use of energy and products produced from biogas systems at wastewater treatment facilities.
The 2014 Canadian Water Summit is returning to Toronto on June 18 to put the spotlight on urban water issues. The event will connect water professionals with paths that lead to solving the Canadian urban water puzzle.

CWWA is a sponsor and Summit advisor, and are pleased to support this unique Event. In addition CWWA Executive Director Robert Haller will be moderating a session on "How water is changing cities," so be sure to attend.
March 17–19, 2015, Palais des congrés de Montréal
This bi-annual conference will give preference to high-calibre international science and technology presentations dealing with current and major environmental issues for industrialized countries and the developing world.

For its 20th anniversary, Americana will be a significantly positive and innovative event! The world is evolving, and we must share innovations to find solutions and encourage common and fruitful thinking!
This Workshop will focus on Phosphorus Recovery and Reuse and it will be held Friday, June 19, 2014 at Ryerson University.
Federal Initiatives
The new Building Canada Fund was officially launched on March 28. CWWA distributed a communique to our members with details and analysis on the funds and the application process.
Environment Canada recently announced the launch of preliminary consultations to discuss potential amendments to the Environmental Emergency Regulations (EER) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999).
The Canadian Government is continuing efforts to harmonize our current WHMIS system with international labelling and safety protocols by implementing the Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Bill C-31 begins to lay the groundwork for these changes.
Federal Minister of Transport, Lisa Raitt, recently requested the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities to conduct an in-depth review of the Canadian regime regarding the safe transportation of dangerous goods and the role of safety management systems across all modes of transportation.
Health Canada has posted a new proposed document "Guidance for Issuing and Rescinding Boil Water Advisories" for public comment.
National News
Dr Jack Kitts has been appointed as the first Chair of the Advisory Committee on Human Pathogens and Toxins (AC-HPT). Dr. Kitts has demonstrated his outstanding leadership through his many years of experience as the CEO and President of the Ottawa Hospital.
Top scientists say the latest international report on climate change shows that Canadians must wake up to the impact of warming temperatures on land, on water and in communities across the country.
George Brown College
Provincial News
The Ontario government has posted notice of a new proposed "Living List" Framework, under Ontario’s Toxics Reduction Program, that establishes a process for reviewing and making changes to the lists of substances prescribed under the Toxics Reduction Act (TRA).

The aim of the Toxics Reduction Program is to identify ways to make changes or refine processes and technologies to reduce the use and creation of toxics and their release to the environment.
The federal and provincial governments continue to put legislation in place that will shift responsibility for the Experimental Lakes Area from the jurisdiction of the federal government to the Government of Ontario and ultimately to the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) .

The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has already introduced legislation to allow the deposit of deleterious substances into lakes in the Area, which will allow research to continue. The Ontario Government has introduced two new Regulations to authorize continued scientific experiments in the area.
British Columbia’s Minister of Environment, Mary Polak, announced on March 28, 2014 that a roundtable of representatives from communities, industry, labour, First Nations, and the environmental sector has been established to discuss ways to find the right balance between economic development and environmental protection. The roundtable will be chaired by Peace River South MLA Mike Bernier. Meetings will be scheduled every three to four months.

The National Roundtable on Environment and Economy was discontinued as part of the 2013 omnibus budget bill, so it’s interesting to see provincial governments creating their own groups.
British Columbia’s Minister of Environment, Mary Polak, tabled on March 11, 2014, Bill 18, the Water Sustainability Act. The Bill follows more than four years of consultations and builds on a detailed legislative proposal originally released on October 18, 2013.
The Ontario Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Food, and Rural Affairs, announced that they have completed negotiations on the 8th Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (COA).

The COA is the principle mechanism through which Ontario and Canada coordinate their work to address their respective and shared commitments to protect the Great Lakes. COA helps implement Ontario’s Great Lakes Strategy as well as Canada’s commitments under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA). The first COA was signed in 1971. While the last agreement, the 2007 COA expired June 24, 2012, Ontario and Canada have continued to work together on implementing Great Lakes priorities.
Snippings and Clippings
WWF-Canada released Freshwater Health Assessment results for five new watersheds across Canada, in honour of World Water Day on March 22, 2014.These assessments, along with seven existing ones, help create a clear, consistent understanding of Canada’s national water health.
Water Canada
The City of Ottawa received a perfect score on Drinking Water System inspections performed by the Ministry of the Environment for the review period of 2013-14. The inspections looked at all seven of the city’s drinking water systems and involved up to 14 different aspects of operations, such as drinking water quality, water quality monitoring programs, and operator certification.
Water Canada
A watermain running from Haslam Lake, British Columbia to a recently built reservoir may cost the city of Powell River as much as $3.5 million to replace. During a recent city budget committee meeting, it was revealed that a slew of recent breaks contributed to concerns that the watermain is at the end of its life.
Water Canada
Stormwater flows within the Kitchener, Ontario area are directed towards the Grand River, with Lake Erie acting as the ultimate receiver. Additionally, about 70 per cent of the drinking water for Kitchener residents comes from groundwater sources, with the balance from the Grand River; therefore, source water protection is critical, not only for the City, but across the watershed.
Digital Journal
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister Bernard Valcourt congratulated the Woodstock First Nation in western New Brunswick on completing its water supply system upgrades. Since fiscal year 2007-2008, the Government of Canada has invested more than $2.8 million into the upgrades that will help ensure safe drinking water for the community.
Calgary Herald
When the rain hit Kananaskis Country last June, unleashing a torrent of water and flooding dozens of communities, it washed out a large beaver dam being monitored down in the valley.
But several others remained intact and even stored water.
Winnipeg Free Press
The Opposition NDP is raising concerns that contaminated groundwater, known as leachate, is leaking from the Saskatoon landfill.
New Democrat Cathy Sproule (sproll) says a groundwater monitoring report indicates that the leachate has likely reached the South Saskatchewan River.
Calgary Herald
The estimated cost of protecting the Calgary Zoo from future flooding has more than doubled, to $25 million from its initial projected price of $11 million, thanks to the discovery that groundwater could threaten zoo features on St. George’s Island.
Winnipeg Free Press
Residents may have noticed there are big changes coming to Toilers Memorial Park — and they serve a dual purpose.
The first purpose is to reduce the amount of flooded basements for residents in Fort Garry and within the Cockburn-Calrossie drainage system. The second will beautify the park.
The Vancouver Sun
Plans for a sewage treatment plant on the waterfront of Esquimalt could be flushed away by a dispute between the township and the Capital Regional District.
Times Colonist
Teams of volunteers in southern Ontario and Quebec were preparing for flooding with walls of sandbags on Sunday as they awaited heavy rain expected to hit parts of both provinces over the next several days.
The Chronicle Herald
The number of rural and suburban residents of Halifax Regional Municipality appealing a new Halifax Water Commission fee for servicing culverts and ditches has reached more than 1,000.
The Province
Anyone planning to camp and enjoy a dip in a cool river this spring should be careful as melting snowpacks produce rushing waters.
"It’s the seasonal time of year and whether or not it’s flooding, these rivers are moving a lot of water," said Dave Campbell, head of the River Forecast Centre.
Water Canada
If a pipe bursts underground, does it still show up on your bill? Thanks in part to inattention and years of relatively cheap water rates, municipal water utilities are facing burgeoning costs associated with improving and maintaining infrastructure.
Water Canada
SaskWater—a Crown corporation owned by the Government of Saskatchewan that supplies municipalities, industries, and farms with water and wastewater services—tabled its 2013 Annual Report in the Saskatchewan Legislature on April 9. The corporation reported a net income of $3.5 million for 2013, and has been named one of the province’s Top 100 Companies by Saskatchewan Business Magazine.
Water Canada
The Government of Ontario announced its approval of the Mattagami Region Source Protection Plan on April 10. The plan will strengthen local source-to-tap drinking water in the protection area, which covers more than 11,000 square kilometres, contains four municipalities, and is home to 48,000 residents, about 90 per cent of which are served by Timmins’ drinking water system. The plan will be implemented for fall 2014.
Water Canada
The Town of Bouctouche, New Brunswick, will receive $2.65 million from the provincial and federal governments toward two infrastructure projects, including $2.3 million that will go to municipal water system improvements.
Water Canada
Nova Scotia Environment Minister Randy Delorey recently presented details for a pilot project to dispose of two million litres of treated hydraulic fracturing wastewater that is currently being held in Debert, Nova Scotia.
Buy American requirements continue to be an ongoing battle as Congress begins to take up appropriations legislation for fiscal year 2015. Some unions and industry groups are calling upon Congress to extend and expand Buy American requirements for projects receiving funds from State Revolving Fund programs, while other groups representing workers at U.S. ports are voicing resistance.
A study released last week by the National Groundwater Association finds no "definitively documented" cases of widespread adverse water quality or quantity problems attributable to hydrologic fracturing by the oil and gas industry.
Water Canada
Work on a public water-efficient demonstration garden will begin this spring in Guelph, Ontario. The project, a partnership between the city and Pollination Guelph, is receiving funding from TD Friends of the Environment, RBC Blue Water project, and the Guelph Community Foundation.


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