Canadian Water and Wastewater Association eBulletin
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November 27, 2014 In This Issue
Member News
Federal Initiatives
National News
Provincial News
International News
Snippings and Clippings
Fabco Plastics Ltd.
Xylem Inc.
Chemline Plastics Limited
Robert Haller, Executive Director

Moving the Window on Ottawa? Yes, we’re thinking on moving that most established November event to the springtime. And we want to know what you think!

While the Window on Ottawa, CWWA’s signature event, has traditionally been held in late November, it comes just weeks after our national conferences every year. In 2013 we rushed from the National Energy and Water Efficiency Conference into the Window just four weeks later. This year our Window on Ottawa was just three weeks after our National Drinking Water Conference. Not only is this hard on staff, including me, but it is difficult for delegates and sponsors to justify two CWWA events in a month.
No, not for the school kids, but for our municipal infrastructure. We all talk a lot about the importance of asset management, infrastructure renewal, and adequate financing, but to make ‘informed’ decisions, our leaders need reliable information. As municipal services compete for limited infrastructure funding, it is critical that we in the water/wastewater sector make our case
November 19 was International World Toilet Day. While toilets seem like a strange thing to celebrate, their impact on human and environmental health cannot be overstated.
CWWA hosted the 16th National Conference on Drinking Water from October 26-29. The Conference was incredibly successful, attracting over 250 delegates, and featured presentations from water researchers, highlighting the innovative work being done by researchers across Canada. Sessions focused on QMRA, microbiological threats, analytical methods and research into new treatment technologies and ways of optimizing and improving existing methods.

These Awards highlight the remarkable work our members are undertaking and accomplishing in their communities. Water and wastewater utilities perform a vital service, protecting both human health and the environment, and these Awards offer peer recognition of these efforts. Look for more on these fantastic projects in our upcoming Municipal News and Review Magazine.
CWWA hosted our annual Window on Ottawa from November 19-20. This event is a cornerstone of the Association, featuring presentations from federal departments on legislative and program initiatives that impact the sector. The Window also features our Annual General Meeting, and our Fall Board of Directors meeting.
Member News
The City of Toronto has drafted a five-year energy conservation plan for its facilities. Adopted by City Council in September 2014, the City of Toronto Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan (2014- 2019) recommends that $142 million be invested in energy efficiency improvements over the next 10 years. Once completed, the improvements are expected to lower the city’s annual energy costs by $17 million and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 32,000 tonnes.
Federal Initiatives
In recent months, there have been several interesting decisions issued by the Federal Court of Canada that have helped to clarify the federal environmental assessment (EA) regime.

Federal Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Steven Blaney, tabled, October 27, 2014, Bill C-44 An Act to Amend the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and other Acts (short title: Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act). The bill, in part, amends the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act to give greater protection to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) human resources; clarify the scope of the CSIS mandate; and confirm the jurisdiction of the Federal Court to issue warrants that have effect outside Canada
Health Canada posted online, October 15, 2014, Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - Guideline Technical Document: Nitrate and Nitrite (dated June 2013).
Minister Leona Aglukkaq recently announced that the Government of Canada is making a significant funding contribution to the Green Climate Fund. Canada will provide $300 million to the Green Climate Fund, which is aimed at supporting projects, programs, policies and other activities to address climate change in developing countries.

In addition, Canada is a founding member and major financial contributor to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition that is focused on marshalling global efforts to tackle short-lived climate pollutants. Canada is also advancing the development of action to address short-lived climate pollutants under its Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.

National News
McInnes Cooper has published an examination of municipal liability due to flooding and sewage backups. The report titled MUNICIPAL LIABILITY FOR FLOOD AND SEWAGE BACK-UP CLAIMS, examines the primary legal areas of Legal responsibility on which Claims are filed and ways to minimize risk and to form a defense. THe Report concludes that these claims are likely to continue and makes some recommendations to minimize risk.
Faculty of Applied Science/ University of BC
MSU Mississauga Ltd.
AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC
Provincial News
OCE is pleased to be launching Round 2 of the Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program in partnership with key industries in both provinces. Funded by AITF and OCE, the program will leverage contributions from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and industry partners.
The Ontario government recently released its 2014 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review. The Province is working to eliminate the deficit by 2017-18.

The economic plan includes investments in job creation, grants to help students and young people find employment, improving the business climate to support new and existing businesses.
The most relevant for CWWA members is a commitment to invest more than $130 billion in public infrastructure over the next 10 years, including $12.8 billion in 2014-15. These investments will focus on transportation, health care and education, and are expected to support over 110,000 jobs on average each year.
Nova Scotia Municipal Affairs announced, October 15, 2014, the release of The Provincial-Municipal Fiscal Review - Consultative Report (draft) -- a joint project between the Province of Nova Scotia and municipalities that examines the current state of municipal structure in Nova Scotia and includes recommendations for potential reforms. Topics discussed include, in part: environmental protection; waste management; drinking water treatment standards; Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act; and the integration of environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. Comments accepted until Dec.15, 2014.
International News
Taking Stock-North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers 14 – released October 1, 2014 by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). This edition of the Taking Stock report provides information on pollutant releases and transfers across the region from 2005 through 2010, with an in-depth review of releases from the pulp and paper industry. The 2014 report is the first time an edition of the CEC’s Taking Stock series, which gathers data from pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTRs) in Canada, Mexico, and the US, has analyzed North American pollutant information over an extended timeframe.
New Interim Guidance for Workers Handling Untreated Sewage from Ebola Cases in the United States provides recommendations on personal protective equipment (PPE) and proper hygiene for the safe handling of untreated sewage that may contain the Ebola virus.

Snippings and Clippings
The Globe and Mail
A $100-million treatment plant that is a key piece of Teck Resources Ltd.’s plan to address a selenium pollution problem in British Columbia’s Elk Valley has been taken off line because of a fish kill.
Strathmore Standard
Once a common landmark in Alberta, the Gleichen water tower is now one of the few remaining municipal water towers in the province. Caught in a deteriorating state and in need of significant upgrades, Wheatland County stepped in four years ago and took on the challenging task to preserve the prominent structure, with their efforts recognized on Oct 16.
The Chronicle-Herald
The province has given the green light for another five million litres of hydraulic fracturing waste water to be moved from Debert for use as coolant in the Lafarge cement plant in Brookfield..
Water Canada
The Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant was supposed to enhance phosphorus removal when an expansion was completed in 2013. Built by the province in the 1980s and later transferred to Durham and York regions, the activated-sludge facility replaced multiple smaller, legacy systems that were discharging into local waterways and seriously impacting water quality.
Water Canada
Close to 300,000 people in Quebec City were without potable tap water on October 29 after a major pipe burst prompted a boil water order.
Water Online
A new study from the U.S. Geological Survey, a federal agency, investigated the threat of drugs released into the environment through wastewater during indirect water reuse.
Water Canada
It should come as no surprise that wastewater operators continue to be plagued by non-flushables on a daily basis. Dental floss, personal care products, paper towels, cotton swabs, and even toys are just a few of the items wreaking havoc on our treatment systems, and the damage can be clearly seen in images of blocked and clogged sewer mains
Water Canada
Ontario has approved the Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Plans to strengthen local source-to-tap drinking water protection. The plans were developed by local municipal and community partners on the Trent Conservation Coalition source protection committee and will take effect Jan. 1, 2015.
Vancouver Sun
The District of Sechelt, B.C. is pursuing a unique pilot project that will use recovered sewage solids to remove traces of pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs and hormones from post-treatment wastewater.
Journal of Commerce
A decade-long construction project to allow for the continued supply of safe, high-quality drinking water in Metro Vancouver is 99 per cent complete.
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
The serious flooding that affected southern Saskatchewan in 2011 and 2014 underscores the need for a co-ordinating body to help local watershed authorities and governments work together, Norm Hall says. Hall, president of the Agriculture Producers Association of Saskatchewan, is hoping that body is the Assiniboine River Basin Initiative (ARBI).
Water Canada
On November 13, the governments of Canada and Manitoba announced funding for five water and wastewater projects to take place in communities in the southeast of the province.
Water Canada
Last month, Premier Kathleen Wynne offered Ontarians a window into an important factor in policy-making: the influence of our political leaders. For the first time in the province’s history, the premier has made public the direction she gives to her cabinet ministers.
Water Canada
A Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta has decided that Alberta Environment can legally be sued for instances of lax investigation and remediation of groundwater contamination connected with hydraulic fracturing.
CTV News
The San Diego City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to advance a $2.5-billion plan to reuse wastewater for drinking, the latest example of how California cities are looking for new supplies amid a severe drought.
Daily Commercial New
It’s been 14 years since the Walkerton water tragedy left seven people dead and made more than 2,300 others ill, yet a recent report states many municipalities and the province are not taking a hard enough look at improving drinking water systems.


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