Building on our success last year at the joint Wastewater Management Conference and Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, CWWA and CAWQ are teaming again to host the 49th Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research and Wastewater Management Conference. The continuing collaboration will help build relationships between researchers and water and wastewater professionals.
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Mark your calendar and be sure to attend the 2013 Window on Ottawa – November 27-29 at the Delta Ottawa City Centre. The Window is CWWA’s core event, offering municipal managers an opportunity to hear about federal initiatives from the senior government officials working on these programs. A key advantage to attending the Window is that it not only allows delegates an opportunity to hear about these programs first hand, but also allows them the opportunity to raise regional and national concerns.
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Water Canada The Rural Municipalities of Kindersley and McKillop in Saskatchewan are each receiving funding from the provincial and federal governments to improve their water and wastewater systems. The Kindersley Rural Water Utility will extend a regional water pipeline to supply clean water to rural residents, and McKillop will build a municipal wastewater lagoon.
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Canadian Water Network Research will focus on water usage and impacts related to agriculture, municipalities and watershed Canadian Water Network (CWN), the leading national facilitator of multidisciplinary water research and knowledge across Canada, is investing over $1.5 million with Canadian researchers to build on previous research findings to ensure that water managers in Canada can leverage the results into action to help solve existing and future water management challenges.
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Water Canada The City of Alberni, British Columbia has purchased a wastewater treatment facility from Catalyst Paper Corporation in British Columbia. The transaction is part of a formal agreement between the company and Council for the City. A cheque for $5 million was presented by Mayor John Douglas to Catalyst CEO Joe Nemeth on October 2, with the remaining $750,000 of the facility’s price to be paid one year later.
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Water Canada For most people, the phrase "mission impossible" is most closely associated with a series of movies starring Tom Cruise. But for anyone who’s tried to bridge the divide between various levels of government in this country, much less tried to unite them behind a common cause, it’s one that could apply just as well to their work. And when it comes to getting them to fund said project, well, those same people would probably sooner take their chances parachuting out of an airplane or trying to jump from a motorcycle onto the back of a moving car.
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BASF Corporation BASF Canada and Earth Rangers work together to bring popular, hands-on chemistry program to Canadian schools BASF Canada and Earth Rangers are working together to bring Kids’ Lab, a series of hands-on chemistry workshops developed by BASF for students in grades 4-6, to 30 classrooms across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) this fall. The program will engage 800 students in 2013, at no cost to the schools or participants.
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