Welcome to the e-Bulletin! We managed our first trial of the Bulletin in its new electronic format in October and we are now confident to launch this newest communications tool. Sharing information about the water and wastewater industry is one of CWWA’s primary mandates and we are excited to share the e-Bulletin with so many more contacts.
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Home for a rest! It has been a crazy fall for conferences and water events. If you don’t believe me, just ask my wife and kids. Since September, I have been away to Edmonton for the WCW Conference then Fredericton for the ACWWA Conference — and I thank both our Regional partners for taking such good care of me. I then hit Chicago for WEFTEC and a meeting with the WEF Canadian Affairs Committee before we hosted our first joint Canadian Energy & Water Efficiency Conference in Calgary.
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We held our 26th Annual General Meeting on November 28 as part of our Window on Ottawa event. Our 2013 President, Neil Thomas of Fredericton, called the meeting to order, but before the meeting was through, Roland Richard of Greater Moncton, had taken the gavel (figuratively as we didn’t have an actual gavel) as our new President for 2014. Neil moves into the Past President position to replace Dan Limacher of Calgary who has left the Board after several years of service. Neil and Dan were praised for their leadership through the last few years of transition.
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Join drinking water professionals from across the country for the 16th Canadian Conference on Drinking Water. Taking place from October 26–29, 2014 at the Hilton Lac Leamy in Gatineau, Quebec (National Capital Region), this premiere event provides a unique pan-Canadian opportunity for water quality professionals and stakeholders to network and exchange views on current and emerging issues related to the provision of safe drinking water.
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CWWA hosted our Annual Window on Ottawa – November 28-29, 2013. The Window is CWWA’s core event featuring presentations from the federal government and other national organizations on national issues, priorities and programs. Participants all commented on the quality of the program and networking opportunities.
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Federal Initiatives
The November issue of the e-Bulletin featured an article on the new habitat protection provisions under the Fisheries Act, which came into force at the end of November. The revised Act will limit the scope of the Fisheries Act to prohibit "serious harm" to fish in commercial, recreational or Aboriginal fisheries. These changes will come with new permitting processes and revised punitive measures.
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The Federal Minister of Transport, Lisa Raitt, announced on November 18, 2013, the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities will review the Canadian regime regarding the safe transportation of dangerous goods and examine the progress being made on the implementation of safety management systems (SMS) in all modes of transportation and make recommendations on further areas for improvement.
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After several years on the back burner the NPRI workgroup has returned to action. The NPRI workgroup is a multi-stakeholder group that includes representatives from major industrial sectors in Canada, including the CWWA, ENGO’s, aboriginal associations and, of course Environment Canada. Provincial representations from Ontario and some of the other provinces are also usually invited to participate.
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National News
Public Safety Canada organized a meeting of the National Cross Sector Forum on December 3, 2013 in Ottawa, Ontario. This meeting brought together national leaders from each of the critical infrastructure sectors to review the renewed Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure, discuss progress achieved over the last year, and consider priorities going forward.
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Provincial News
On November 27, 2013, the Committee on Regulations and Private Members Bills, currently conducting hearings into Ontario’s proposed Great Lakes Protection Act, adopted a proposal from the Great Lakes Protection Act Alliance to more explicitly include toxics protection in the "purposes" section of the Bill.
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CWWA Committee News and Profiles
In conjunction with the 2013 CWWA Window on Ottawa, the CWWA Security and Emergency Management Committee conducted a day workshop on cyber security and emergency planning on November 27, 2013. Presenters included Public Safety Canada, RCMP, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Halifax Water, City of Calgary, Canadian Cyber Security Incident Centre, V2PM Inc, and Microsoft Canada. This CWWA notification has been developed to provide cyber security contact and resource information.
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On November 27, 2013 the CWWA held its second Climate Change Workshop as part of the annual Window on Ottawa. The workshop, organized by CWWA’s Climate Change Committee, had many exciting presentations from across the country. We are living in some "exciting times" as the familiar phrase goes. Extreme events continue to impact Canadian municipalities in 2013. In response to these challenges, the presentations in this year’s Workshop addressed Adaptation, Coping Strategies, Raising Awareness, and the latest in Climate Change Information and how municipalities are using it.
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On November 27, CWWA’s Security and Emergency Management Committee held a successful workshop on Cyber Security as part of CWWA’s annual event Window on Ottawa. Water and wastewater utilities rely heavily on Industrial Control Systems (ICS’s) to allow us to manage our treatment processes and we recognize that the threat of both targeted and accidental cyber events is becoming more of a reality in our business.
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Snippings and Clippings
Winnipeg Media News The City of Winnipeg will enter into a service sharing agreement with the Rural Municipality of Rosser that will allow wastewater from the Rural Municipality to be treated at the City’s North End sewage treatment plant.
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