USSD Monthly News
USSD wants to welcome its new Executive Director, Catrice R. Jones. Catrice brings more than 20 years of non-profit management experience.
Since officially coming on board June 6, 2022, she has hit the ground running by getting up to speed on USSD programs and connecting with various stakeholders. Over the coming months, she hopes to have opportunities to engage and learn from USSD members.
Look out for the President's Message in the next issue of Dams and Levees: Bulletin of the U.S. Society on Dams to learn more about Catrice.
Catrice may be reached at

DamSmart - Responding to industry needs
AECOM is the world's most trusted infrastructure consulting company. DamSmart is a dynamic tool that maintains the highest levels of data integrity for dam safety programs and regulatory compliance requirements. It can be used as part of an early warning system or for long-term performance monitoring of dams, levees, tailings storage facilities and other critical infrastructure - improving data integrity, security and safety monitoring.
Click Here
Join USSD for on April 17-21 in Charleston, SC for the 2023 Annual Conference. The 2023 USSD Conference theme of "Infrastructure Resilience Through Risk Management" was developed based on the need for more understanding related to climate change impacts on our infrastructure through the development of risk-based prioritization methods.
Abstracts are currently being accepted through July 7, 2022. Visit our website for information on submission for the technical program.
Information related to Exhibits, Sponsorships and Registration will be posted to the USSD website as it becomes available.
Brayman Construction Corp.
USSD Education and Events
Did you know that USSD has technical content that is ALWAYS accessible online?
Our On Demand Library can be accessed in the USSD Learning Center.

Join us at Canary Con by Canary Systems
Canary Systems, Inc.®
Introducing the inaugural Canary Systems User Conference - Canary Con! Intended for existing and potential clients, attendees will have an exclusive opportunity to learn about the new third generation of MLSuite. The conference will be hosted in Tucson, AZ from July 19-21st with a focus on hands-on training and workshops, as well as exciting networking events! Visit the Canary Con website for more details and be the first to get updates!
Learn About Canary Con
USSD Membership
USSD is a world class organization of engineering professionals who advance the environmentally sustainable science of planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of dams, levees and associated civil engineering projects. Our members lead the nation, and work with partner organizations worldwide, to resolve the world’s most critical resource problem: access to clean water. 
Visit the USSD membership page to get your key to the world of dam and levee engineering!
Kleinschmidt Associates
Flow Science Inc.
After years of meeting virtually, ICOLD 27th Congress/90th Annual Meeting was held in person on May 27 - June 3, 2022, in Marseille, France. The French Organizing Committee arranged an event that provided extraordinary technical content, numerous opportunities to network, and showcased the beautiful scenery of France. As representatives from national committees around the world gathered, it was evident that the commitment and enthusiasm for the ICOLD mission was not lost during the Global Pandemic.
End of an Era
This event marked the end of the extended Presidency term for Michael F. Rogers. Due to the impacts of the Global Pandemic, Michael had the distinct honor of an extended term. On behalf of the members of ICOLD and USSD, we want to thank Michael and his family for their dedication, service and unwavering commitment to his position and ICOLD. 
USSD Member Elected to ICOLD Vice-President At-Large Position
On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, during the 90th ICOLD Annual Meeting and General Assembly, Dr. Dean Durkee was elected as ICOLD Vice-President At-Large. Dr. Durkee will represent from 2022-2025 as the representative for ICOLD - America. We wish Dean continued success as he continues to represent USSD on the international stage.
A full list of current ICOLD Board members can be found here.
The 91st ICOLD Annual Meeting will be held June 11-15, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. The Swedish National Committee of ICOLD is working to deliver an event that will be memorable for all that attend.
The Call for Abstracts is scheduled to open in late-June 2022 and registration in October 2022. Visit the ICOLD 2023 website for information.
Jun 2022
Explore the latest research and methods from USACE on how to estimate consequences of flooding, with a focus on potential loss of life. Participants will gain an understanding of what causes loss of life during a flood event and how to estimate the potential loss of life for different flood scenarios.
Jul 2022
At approximately 12:28 p.m. on Jan. 25, 2019, tailings dam B-1 at Vale S.A.’s Corrego do Feijão Iron Ore Mine, suffered a sudden failure resulting in a catastrophic mudflow that travelled rapidly downstream resulting in significant damage and the loss of over 250 lives.
Aug 2022
More information to come.
Sep 2022
More information to come.
Oct 2022
More information to come.
Apr 2023
The 2023 USSD Conference theme of "Infrastructure Resilience Through Risk Management" was developed based on the need for more understanding related to climate change impacts on our infrastructure through the development of risk-based prioritization methods. Abstracts are currently being accepted through July 7, 2022. Visit our website for information on submission for the technical program. Information related to Exhibits, Sponsorships and Registration will be posted to the USSD website as it becomes available.
Instilling True Confidence, Delivering Success.
Ames Construction, Inc.®
For 60 years, Ames Construction has delivered high-quality General Contracting services, throughout North America, with a proven ability to self-perform and complete projects safely, on-time, and within budget.
Ames is family-owned, rooted in a strong work ethic, and committed to business relationships built on honesty, performance, and mutual trust. We remain dedicated to providing superior construction services to our clients well into the future. 
Learn more. www.amesconstruction .com
Industry News & Updates
The proposed rule to establish the Corps Water Infrastructure Financing Program (CWIFP) has been published in the Federal Register for public review and comment. CWIFP is a long-term, low-cost federal credit program that was authorized by the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) and will enable local investment in dam safety infrastructure projects for creditworthy non-Federal borrowers. CWIFP has received more than $80 million in credit subsidy funding to date which will allow USACE to issue approximately $7.5 billion in loans once the program is fully established. Following the 60-day public comment period initiated by this proposed rulemaking, a final rule will be published which will allow for the program to accept loan applications in the Spring of 2023. If you have projects that you think would be interested in this program, please send an email with the project name and a point of contact to:
Schnabel Engineering
KGS Group
Industry Events
HYDROVISION International® brings together hydro professionals interested in all aspects of the industry, including power producers, small hydro, pumped storage, dam safety, government agencies, industry associations, service and product suppliers, regulators, lawyers, original equipment manufacturers and engineering, procurement, and construction firms.
This event takes place July 12-14, 2022, in Denver, CO. To register, click HERE and use promo code HVPART2 for 20% off Full Summit Passes!
Email if you have any questions.
Hydro Component Systems, LLC