USSD Monthly News

The winter Dams & Levees will focus on innovations in the dam industry. Share with us what innovations you are testing or using now. Perhaps you had a project which used an innovative approach, product, or tool. Have you used fully autonomous vehicles, or quantum lidar for under water inspections? Doing something different with silt? Share your insight and experience with more than 1,600 industry professionals.

Contact for article guidelines and more information.
Deadline for submission is Oct. 16, 2024. 

In the mountains of Colorado, Mt. Pisgah Dam's old outlet works was significantly deteriorated and unreliable. There was no upstream guard gate. And extenuating circumstances called for any remediation to be done under a full reservoir head. Read how Micah Smidt, Michael Graber and Edwin Friend handled these challenges.

Click this link to access the Up On Cripple Creek paper from our Proceedings library.

Check our website for information on exhibiting and sponsoring in 2025.
Based on feedback, USSD redesigned our annual sponsorship program. See what's new and how your company can be in the spotlight while supporting USSD.
Colliers Engineering & Design – Accelerating Client Success
Colliers Engineering & Design®
Colliers Engineering & Design, is a full-service, nationally recognized engineering firm with over three decades of experience providing Dam and Levee Safety services. This includes Engineering Design; Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and CFD Modeling; Geotechnical Engineering; Risk Assessments; Operation & Maintenance; and Hydropower. Our team of subject matter experts bring innovative design solutions and unmatched expertise to meet the needs of our clients.
Learn more

I recently called an old engineering friend of mine and asked what he was working on these days. He replied that he was working on "aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under a constrained environment."

I was impressed until upon further inquiry, I learned that he was washing dishes in hot water under his wife's supervision. 

USSD Scholarship Awardees give glowing feedback on our Scholarship Program. Overwhelmingly they comment on the skills, connections and encouragement they received throughout the process.
        Donations are the sole source of funds for this program.
Donate to USSD's Student Scholarship Award Program today via the link below, or email to schedule monthly donations. 
USSD, and our future awardees, appreciate your ongoing generosity!
Brayman Construction Corp.
USSD Education and Events
Speaker: Ross Boulanger  
Date: Oct. 2, 2024
Description: The effects of subsurface heterogeneity on liquefaction phenomena during earthquakes are discussed using case histories and nonlinear dynamic analyses with different subsurface modeling approaches. The importance of geologic and anthropogenic controls and the effects of stratigraphic heterogeneity, lithological heterogeneity, and inherent soil variability at the project site scale are discussed. The results of these studies reinforce lessons regarding the importance of subsurface characterization and its representation in analyses for evaluating liquefaction-induced ground deformations and their impacts on civil infrastructure.
Fee: $35 members, $55 non-members
Experience “water simplified”
In-Situ Inc.®
The Aqua TROLL 700 and 800, with fast-response, interchangeable sensors, are designed with forethought and care for the work you do. With every instrument, you can count on low-maintenance deployment, low cost of ownership and a shared ecosystem.
Take your monitoring program to the next level for less, with reliable equipment designed to last for years with a lower cost of ownership.
Learn more
Expertise Needed
From your perspective of what has been, and what has evolved, tell us what you think will be! Write about yourself, or interview others with longevity in this industry. Approved articles will be published in the winter Dams & Levees Bulletin.
Contact for questions and more information.

Submission deadline is Wednesday Oct. 16, 2024. 

Kleinschmidt Associates
Flow Science Inc.

Did you know USSD's Learning Center has On Demand webinars available? Browse the On Demand catalog and schedule a few to take at your convenience. Prices vary from "free" to "nominal." As always, USSD members receive discounted registration.

Instilling True Confidence, Delivering Success.
Ames Construction, Inc.®
For 60 years, Ames Construction has delivered high-quality General Contracting services, throughout North America, with a proven ability to self-perform and complete projects safely, on-time, and within budget.
Ames is family-owned, rooted in a strong work ethic, and committed to business relationships built on honesty, performance, and mutual trust. We remain dedicated to providing superior construction services to our clients well into the future. 
Learn more. www.amesconstruction .com
Dams for People, Water Environment and Development
300+ Speakers
8+ Workshops
Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2024
Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, India
Schnabel Engineering
KGS Group
Hydro Component Systems, LLC