USSD Monthly News
USSD Board Nominations are open until Nov. 4, 2024. Nominate yourself to share your knowledge and expertise, or someone else. Lead USSD while working on professional goals. Four-year term length.
Colliers Engineering & Design – Accelerating Client Success
Colliers Engineering & Design®
Colliers Engineering & Design, is a full-service, nationally recognized engineering firm with over three decades of experience providing Dam and Levee Safety services. This includes Engineering Design; Hydrologic, Hydraulic, and CFD Modeling; Geotechnical Engineering; Risk Assessments; Operation & Maintenance; and Hydropower. Our team of subject matter experts bring innovative design solutions and unmatched expertise to meet the needs of our clients.
Learn more
How's That Paper Coming?
Authors of conference papers and expanded abstracts: DRAFTS are due Oct. 28. Be sure to upload them via your CATALYST login.

All USSD members with a United States mailing address should have received their hard copy of the Fall Dams & Levees bulletin by now. If you did not, login to the Info Hub to make sure we have your correct mailing address. If your mailing address is correct, and you did not receive a copy, contact

Members and non-members alike can read the digital version in our online Resource Center

Brayman Construction Corp.
USSD Education and Events
                                         SPONSORSHIP SALES available here!
                                 Exhibit Booth sales open by Oct. 30, 2024.
                                       Visit the USSD website for updates.


Authors are requested to submit an abstract in English (1 page, max. 250 words) by email to the workshop secretariat ( by Dec. 15, 2024.

The abstract should include a title, author(s), affiliation(s), and full address (including email) of the corresponding author.

Authors will be notified of acceptance for full paper submission by Jan. 15, 2025.
Dec. 15, 2024: Abstracts submission deadline
Jan. 15, 2025: Notification of abstracts acceptance
March 16, 2025: Full papers submission
May 15, 2025: Notification of review results
June 15, 2025: Revised full papers submission
Early October 2025: Workshop in Atlanta, GA

For More Information Click Here

Experience “water simplified”
In-Situ Inc.®
The Aqua TROLL 700 and 800, with fast-response, interchangeable sensors, are designed with forethought and care for the work you do. With every instrument, you can count on low-maintenance deployment, low cost of ownership and a shared ecosystem.
Take your monitoring program to the next level for less, with reliable equipment designed to last for years with a lower cost of ownership.
Learn more
Expertise Needed
Want a sneak peek on Conference content? Fingers itch at the thought of editing someone else's work? Or maybe you are simply a great person wanting to help the industry! We need a few more reviewers for conference papers and expanded abstracts. If you are on a Committee, contact your Committee Chairperson to volunteer. 
If you are not on a Committee, find one to join here.
This is a high-impact, short-term, not-too-time-intensive way to get involved!
Kleinschmidt Associates
Flow Science Inc.

The new ICOLD Engagement Committee expands on, and incorporates, USSD's ICOLD Congress Papers Committee. Initial goals for the committee include:

  • Promoting USSD member engagement in ICOLD activities and events.
  • Identifying and implementing consistent strategies to connect USSD members with ICOLD roles that align with their expertise.
  • Ensuring consistent and fair practices to submit papers or other technical materials to ICOLD.

For more information, or to get involved, contact

General Industry News
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) is calling in contractors for the Seismic Retrofit of Anderson Dam Industry Day meeting. Valley Water has determined that all general contractors wishing to bid on the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project (ADSRP) must be prequalified prior to submitting a bid on the project. Interested prime contractors are encouraged to attend the ASRDP Industry Day on Oct. 18, 2024. Details can be found via link below.
Instilling True Confidence, Delivering Success.
Ames Construction, Inc.®
For 60 years, Ames Construction has delivered high-quality General Contracting services, throughout North America, with a proven ability to self-perform and complete projects safely, on-time, and within budget.
Ames is family-owned, rooted in a strong work ethic, and committed to business relationships built on honesty, performance, and mutual trust. We remain dedicated to providing superior construction services to our clients well into the future. 
Learn more. www.amesconstruction .com
Schnabel Engineering
KGS Group
Industry Events

International Technical Seminar and Study Tour

The SEED Seminar is designed for managers, administrators, engineers, and geologists responsible for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and safety of dams. Lectures, case histories, and structured discussions covering all aspects of a dam safety examination program are led by Reclamation engineers or geologists with extensive experience and knowledge in the areas of design, construction, operation, maintenance, and dam safety. 

 Registration Deadline is April 18, 2025 

 Early registration is recommended.

 Event and registration details: USBR International Affairs | Technical Seminars

 Learn more: 


Hydro Component Systems, LLC