TEXO Onsite Newsletter
March 10, 2015

SWPPP/EPA/TCEQ Course - Part 2

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Thursday, March 19
7:30am - 10:30am
Location: TEXO Dallas Conference Center
$75 - TEXO Members
$140 - Non-Members

A six module training course has been created for Site Superintendents to gain a better understanding of the requirements of the Stormwater program. Training will include how to conduct oneself during a regulatory agency’s site inspection and how to conduct a site inspection themselves. Also, training will cover highlights of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and the difference between a structural control and a non-structural control. By the end of the six modules, a Site Superintendent will be more familiar with the vernacular used by stormwater professionals and will be able to display their knowledge so that the regulatory agency is comfortable that their site is in compliance with the program.

Register for Part 2 Now!

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