Help Build a Better Future for Construction

VOTE November 5th Election Day

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 is Election Day in Texas. It is well known that the rest of the United States admires Texas for our quality of life and pro-business atmosphere. By voting YES for passage of the Texas Constitutional Amendments on the state ballot and YES for the $950 million in municipal and school bond construction programs within our construction marketplace will ensure that TEXO members will continue to prosper.

I encourage you to tell your family, friends, co-workers and employees about how important it is to vote "yes" specifically for State Proposition 6 which will assure that our state takes the proper steps forward in establishing the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas. Excellent information is available by going to H204TEXAS website.

Interested in potential construction work? Encourage your employees and those you know to vote "YES" if one of these twenty three bond programs are on their ballot.

These elections tend to be very low voter turn-out so each and every ones vote is incredibly important.