Safety / Superintedent Forum
Topic: Practical Accident Investigation
Wednesday, March 5
11:30am - 1:00pm
Cost: FREE!

No organization has the resources to do a comprehensive investigation on every near miss and accident. Yet history shows if we don't learn from our mistakes, we will repeat them, often with disastrous results. James Sanders will use his experience investigating Occupational Accidents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait and the United States to convey a 
practical approach to investigating incidents to reduce or eliminate the chance of reoccurrence. Register Now!

Latino Safety / Superintedent Forum
Topic: OSHA Up-Dates, Focus on 2014
Thursday, March 6
11:30am - 1:00pm
Cost: FREE!

You are invited to join us for the March Latino Safety Forum. This month Elias Vela from the Dallas Area OSHA office will present Up-Dates and OSHA’s focus for 2014, followed by questions and answers. Register Now!