VOTE TODAY - November 3, 2015
TEXO is encouraging its members and their employees to cast
their vote in the November 3rd election. We must not allow voter
apathy to threaten local initiatives and changes to our Texas constitution to
be decided by very few voters. In fact, many areas in North and East Texas
municipalities had only 10% or less of the registered voters vote.
November 3rd is the Election Day but you don’t
have to wait until then to vote on the issues that have a major impact on you,
your business and our community. The polls are open from October 19th
– 30th for early voting. Your Vote Does Matter. The more people who
vote, the larger the impact will be within our communities.
There are 7 constitutional amendments on your ballot.
Proposition 7 would dedicate revenue for long-term transportation projects,
allocating about $2.5 billion from the state sales tax for non-toll projects,
plus another 35 percent of the motor vehicle sales and rental tax collected
above $5 billion. Vote FOR Prop 7.
TEXO members living and voting in the Dallas ISD area will
be voting on a $1.6 billion bond package. The bond package includes nine new
schools, replacement schools, 290 additional classrooms, new education and
career and technical programs to meet the educational needs of our industry and
TEXO is supporting the passage of the DISD Bond package.
Vote FOR the Dallas ISD Bond package.
Information on all
ballot propositions, including Prop 7, can be found here: