Unlocking the value of leadership

"The highest calling of leadership is to unlock the potential of others." – Carly Fiorina

Personality, intelligence, emotional stability and integrity are not enough. Leaders are only successful when they add value to others. Without unlocking the potential of others, the personal qualities of leadership are more self-serving than true leadership. Good leaders inspire others to do their best.  

My first boss believed in me and thought I had the ability to grow in the events industry. This was the greatest gift I could have ever been given. She gave me the gift of development, mentored me and introduced me to other mentors. She encouraged me to try new things and pushed me beyond my skill level. This contributed to my confidence to take on challenges I would not have otherwise. She unlocked my potential and showed me the impact that leaders can have when they take the time to invest in helping others.

As a result, I wanted to give back and help others grow and learn. Throughout my career, I have mentored students, young professionals and colleagues in the industry. I always wanted to help them unlock their potential. Here are some things to consider in your quest to guide others:

How do you unlock the potential of others?



Erin Tench, CMP


Events Industry Council