The journey of CMP leadership

One's career path can lead in many directions. I have been fortunate, since earning my CMP designation in 1985, to have worked in this industry among such inspirational and dedicated professionals.

None of us could have predicted this year. It seems that every time we opened an email, we were thrown a new curve ball. This impacted us all personally, as well as professionally. I'm very proud of the CMP Governance Commission's work this year - which was all done virtually.

We found new ways to help and support CMPs through COVID relief, launched remote proctor exams, made the CMP exam available year-round, and launched the wildly successful digital badge programme. We also will introduce a new program in 2021 designed for experienced individuals whose career and dedication to the designation has remained steadfast over the years. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

I'd like to thank my fellow volunteers for their service. While some commission members continue to serve their term, several have completed their terms, and I'd like to recognise them for their leadership and contributions: Aleka Garcia, CMP-HC, CMM; Deanna Griffith-House, CMP, PMP, CME, PCM, CMM; Leslie Jones, CMP, CAE; and Tyra Warner, CMP, Ph.D., JD. As we end our time on the Commission together, I take great pride in our work and commitment to this vibrant and vital community.

I'd be remiss to not remind the CMP classes of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 that it is time to recertify. This newsletter includes some important updates to our reinstatement policy, as well as additional information on some of the steps we've taken this year to support our community through this difficult time.

It has truly been an honor to serve my fellow CMPs. I know that this year has been the toughest year for our industry in quite some time, but I take great comfort in knowing that it's our CMPs who will lead us through this.

I look forward to supporting Chair-Elect Alisa Peters, CMP, CMM, and serving as immediate past chair of the commission in the coming year. We have a bright future ahead.

May our paths cross again soon - and may you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.

Barbara Connell, CAE, CMP

Chair of the CMP Governance Commission

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