Events Industry Council appoints Equity Task Force

In November, the Events Industry Council announced the appointment of the EIC Equity Task Force, which will work in support of our industry, our global federations, and the work of EIC's Centre for Sustainability and Social Impact.

The task force is charged with addressing systemic racism in the business events and hospitality industry by developing a meaningful framework for action to accelerate inclusion. The work of this task force is meant to support and amplify the work of our member organisations and stakeholder partners. By creating a framework for action, we can put benchmarks in place and monitor progress on a set frequency. The task force is meant to be a catalyst for turning our vision and intentions into action.

The EIC Equity Task Force will be led by Co-chairs Jason Dunn Sr., Board Chairman, National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals, and Vice President, Cincinnati USA Convention and Visitors Bureau; and Tina Wehmeir, CMP, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, AMC Institute.

"This pandemic has illuminated the issues around equity in ways we could have not imagined 12 months ago. Continued senseless acts of violence plague our community. We must act. No longer can we just speak our truth - we must live our truth and leverage the passion, the scope and scale of this industry to create the change we wish to see and to live our values," said Amy Calvert, Events Industry Council CEO.

"On behalf of the global business events industry, the EIC Equity Task Force will offer guidance and resources to identify measurable priorities that help ensure we are an industry that drives for meaningful actions that are inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible," said Dunn.

"Through this enhanced collaboration, we can drive meaningful outcomes that will strengthen our industry and society, further supporting our common belief that business events drive business outcomes and build strong communities," Wehmeir added.

The full task force membership, which will represent multiple segments across the events industry ecosystem, will be announced in the coming weeks.

Through its volunteer-led Sustainability and Social Impact Committee, EIC will continue to work and align around key areas of focus on inclusion, diversity, equity and access.

Events Industry Council