APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force Update

During EIC Advance, the Events Industry Council (EIC) released the Resources for Destinations Accepted Practices Guide for Convention and Visitors Bureaux and Destination Marketing Organisations (CVBs/DMOs). It is the newest work by EIC's APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force.

The new guide:

"Destination Management Organizations (CVBs) will continue to play a pivotal role in our recovery and remain an essential voice in this conversation as industry professionals across the globe seek to better understand the safety protocols, alliances and external factors needed to host in-person and hybrid events to rebuild our industry," said Amy Calvert, CEO, Events Industry Council.

"This guide is the result of a global collaboration," said Destinations working group Chair David Kliman, CMM, President, The Kliman Group. "We're grateful to the more than 50 global destinations whose practices and policies were reviewed, summarised and curated for inclusion as part of this most recent resource."

Previous releases of EIC accepted practices guides and supporting materials include Meeting and Event Design, Health and Safety for Hotels, Workforce and Wellness, Travel and Transportation. Other key supporting materials include EIC Principles for Recovery, Code of Conduct, Key Questions for Event Organisers, Air Travel Planning and Know Before You Go.

The webinar presented at EIC Advance to introduce this guide is available to watch on demand via EIC's YouTube channel.

The APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force is led by Co-chairs Michael Dominguez, President and CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI), and Kristin Horstman, Senior Director, Strategic Events, Salesforce. With representation from across the many sectors and regions of the global events ecosystem, the APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force provides a voice in planning, preparing and participating in our recovery and our future. The task force is also amplifying the story of our economic and social impact as advocates for our industry.

The full roster of Task Force members can be found on the EIC website here.

EIC will release additional deliverables via social media channels, webinars and the EIC website. If you’d like to follow our activity on social, please connect with @Events_Council on Twitter (#APEXTaskForce), and Events Industry Council on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Events Industry Council