Timothy S.Y. Lam Foundation supports hospitality

When 2020 hindsight is more haunting than illuminating, finding gratitude can be a challenge. But, looking back, we find reason to be grateful in remembering Timothy S.Y. Lam and the foundation (TYSLF) his family and friends created to support the hospitality industry.

Mr. Lam was an adventurer who took countless journeys and cruises before passing away in 2012. In lieu of flowers, family and friends were asked to donate to a scholarship fund. A foundation to support the hospitality industry was borne from all of the contributions.

It has evolved over the past eight years, but today the TSYLF supports research, education and training in the hospitality industry by providing scholarships and grants to those seeking to advance their careers. This year, in addition to many of its current programs, the foundation created a $200,000 USD hospitality relief grant fund. Initially created for individuals financially impacted by COVID-19 in the United States, it quickly focused specifically on individuals in the Las Vegas hospitality industry impacted by COVID-19.

We're grateful for the past support the friends and family of Mr. Lam have provided to our CMP community throughout the world. Their continued support of the hospitality industry is something we are grateful to have.

Visit EIC's online Career Centre for additional information on scholarship opportunities. Also, access additional career tools via the Resources for Workforce and Wellness Accepted Practices Guide.

Events Industry Council