EIC Advance: Earn up to 25 CEs on demand

More than 400 industry peers connected online for EIC Advance in November – but it's not too late for you to experience and learn from the programme – while earning up to 25 CEs toward your CMP.

All content is available on demand through 31 March 2021!

The programme challenged attendees to intentionally rebuild our industry better. Grounded in the EIC Principles for Recovery that align with the Sustainable Development Goals, the programme raised difficult questions for us to collectively address:

EIC's Centre for Sustainability and Social Impact partnered with members of the National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals for a discussion on inclusion, diversity, equity and allyship for a stronger and more welcoming events industry.

You too can be inspired by the enthusiasm, insight and expertise shared by more than 400 attendees. The chat boxes for each of the sessions came to life with robust conversations, new connections and idea exchange. With dialogue and sharing like this, we have been able to learn from each other and feel that sense of connection that everyone needs right now.

You can access the programme and earn your CEs through 31 March. For those impacted by COVID-19, EIC is providing relief in the amount of $50 USD off the rate of $179 USD for EIC Advance registration. This includes those who are furloughed, have had their position eliminated, or are experiencing a salary reduction. Contact registration@eventscouncil.org to request your relief code.

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Events Industry Council