1) What are the requirements for recertification?

Similar to when you first applied for your CMP, there are a few options to achieve the recertification requirements. Both professional experience and continuing education or industry support is required. The experience and activities that you claim must have taken place within the past five years. A complete listing of the recertification requirements can be found on the EIC website and in the CMP Recertification Handbook.

2) What are the fees for recertification?

You can submit your recertification application throughout the year your recertification is due. (Check your profile here to confirm your CMP renewal date.) No need to wait until the deadline. We strongly encourage you to submit your application as early into your recertification year as possible to avoid higher fees.

This is the fee schedule for 2021:

* Should you wait until after the year is over to apply for re-certification (your CMP credential is “lapsed”), the fee is $375 to reinstate your CMP.

For more information on our fee structure, please visit our website.

3) Where can I find the link to my recertification application?

To access your recertification application, you’ll need to login to your EIC profile via After you login, you may be prompted to update your profile. Click the ‘continue’ button through these prompts.

Once you have updated your profile, click on the Home tab to view the main page of your profile. To the right of your name, you will see a link to the recertification application.

If you are having trouble accessing your profile or your login email needs to be updated, please contact for assistance.

4) I am missing some CEs in my profile. How do I add these in?

If you attended an industry event or webinar and are eligible for CEs that are not appearing in your EIC profile, we encourage you to self-report these hours to receive credit for them. Self-reporting is easy to do. We recommend setting a quarterly reminder to go into your profile to review your activity: 1) ensure the credits you've earned from preferred providers are documented and 2) document (self-report and upload) CEs that are not present.

Self-Reporting : Login to your account via, and on the Home tab, you will see your CEs. At the bottom of the table, click the ‘add’ button. When the page refreshes, click ‘add’ at the top of the table to add your CEs earned. Then, fill in the necessary information about the class or event, and upload documentation that includes proof of attendance (registration receipt, confirmation email, transcript, program, etc.). Then click ‘submit’, and the credits should appear right away in your profile. If you need any further clarification, please view this helpful tutorial as well.

5) Will I receive a paper certificate after I recertify?

Due to restrictions associated with COVID-19, EIC has discontinued mailing paper certificates. As a result, we’ve rolled out a digital badge platform, Acclaim by Credly. Shortly after you recertify, you will receive a link to claim your Digital Badge via email. Once you’ve claimed your badge, your Acclaim has instructions on how to print your badge or add it to your LinkedIn profile.

6) I am retiring from the industry. How do I apply to become a CMP Emeritus?

The EIC’s Emeritus programme is being updated and the Fellows programme is being introduced this year. Standby for more information in a future edition of CMP Today! If you’d like to be among the first to know, you can fill out and submit the current Emeritus application to Please do not send payment at this time; your application will be enough to get you on our list to reach out to first and to fast-track when we begin accepting applications to the new Emeritus programme or applying for the Fellows programme if eligible.

Events Industry Council