Being Mindful of Self-Care

By Naomi Tucker, CMP, HMCC | Account Director, Meetings & Incentives Worldwide | Founder, Planners on Purpose

The last year has been a struggle for the event industry. Not only have we navigated the rough waters of a global pandemic, we’ve also faced challenges of social justice and civil disturbance. When uncertainty and unrest creep in, our stress and anxiety levels also escalate. As an industry, we’ve pressed the importance of self-care in recent years. Yet the stakes continue to skyrocket, as our industry once again faces a momentous task of starting back up again. Now, it’s ever so important, that even while we ramp up to get back to business again, we also are mindful of our self-care.

As an industry, we already are aware that many of us are carrying heavy loads. Some are not working at all, or while others working but doubly due to slimmer resources. Regardless of which side one is on, being aware of the need for self-care and how to implement sustainable practices can be an important step for a less stressed industry. Additionally, as we gain a strategy for ourselves about our self-care we are able to look outward to others and help them as well.

Our industry thrives on hospitality and being of service to others for virtual or in-person events. However, as we continue to get traction opening up with events, we should be encouraged to look to our fellow industry colleagues and get assurances for their well-being. Our industry currently is in the top ten for the most stressful jobs in the world in a survey done by Career Cast 2019. With predictions of a rapid comeback once the threat of the pandemic lessens, we could be at risk of becoming even more stressed and moving up on that list.

The question becomes, how do we find a solution for the impending rush of business when it comes to anticipating self-care needs? Well, preparation is always a great stress reliever and a way to care not only for yourself but for others during this time. Many organizations can benefit from preparing themselves and their employees. Preparation can look like ensuring that trainings, documents, and operating procedures are revised and updated to accommodate for the changes in virtual and in-person events. Being prepared will not only help current teams but will be a proactive approach to ensure returning industry colleagues will have what they need to succeed and can jump in immediately.

Individuals can help take a proactive approach to self-care by creating a personalized self-care strategy. This strategy can help you have a system in place for when you need a little self-care. Write down what will provide you with a quick win, if you need to get a little break from your work. Strategize on how self-care will look for you if you are taking 15 minutes, 1 hour, or even 1 day off of work to care for yourself. Keep this close by and handy for when you need a little break. Learn the needs of others so that you can encourage them to do the same.

Self-care is an essential need that we all have. If we take personal responsibility to ensure that we take the time needed to tend to ourselves, then we can be an example for others in our industry that need an example to follow. When we do this, our industry will be able to move through the challenges ahead, being healthier, and more aware of the road that got us there.

Events Industry Council