Deborah Cohen, CMP | Director of Meetings & Convention Marketing for Discover Puerto Rico

How many years have you been a CMP?

9 years

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Branson, Missouri, USA.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?

Travel to faraway places, take more risks, volunteer, intern for free, learn from mentors who have been in the industry a long time and soak up every learning experience. All of those experiences will be invaluable later.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?

I was part of a small study group, which provided such a great deal of support, so I highly recommend finding a group to go on that journey together. It will bond you for life! I also recommend finding veteran CMPs who host study groups. Finally, the sample practice tests were very helpful.

What inspires you the most when you think about the future of our industry or the impact of our industry?

For the past year, we have seen how much people miss being together in-person. It has reminded us of the impact that meetings have on our lives. I’m inspired to think of the future meetings that will bring these friends and colleagues back together, and the joy that meeting professionals will feel as they plan these creative events. While the landscape of planning events has become more challenging, I also think there will be great opportunities to inject new excitement into them.  

Favorite snack?


What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?

I found that you could always find a positive way to spend your time. For those of us that had always traveled and socialized a great deal, at first it was odd to be in your house so much. This year motivated many of us to take up new hobbies and learn new things. I spent more time outdoors kayaking and hiking – and indoors I spent more time learning new recipes, reading books I’d never had time to read and watching shows I’d never had time to watch. I especially feel that the time I spent with my son bonded us in new ways.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Puerto Rico, of course! This island has all you could possibly need – culture, history, amazing food & cocktails, incredible outdoor adventures and beaches – and if you are a US resident, you don’t need a passport, you don’t have to exchange currency or change your cell phone plan.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis 

Events Industry Council