EIC’s 2020 Global Awards: A moment of reflection and hope

The Events Industry Council’s 2020 Global Awards event was held March 25,  2021. With an inspiring gathering of attendees and award winners from across the globe, we shared an impactful experience together as we recognised, honoured and celebrated the extraordinary efforts of individuals and organisations whose ability to overcome and lead in times of crisis have contributed to the recovery and well-being of our global business events industry.

EIC’s Hall of Leaders award is the premier recognition programme in the events industry, recognising a lifetime achievement for those that have had a legacy impact on the global business events sector. This year’s inductees joined 137 previous honourees who have had an integral role in shaping the industry. The Hall of Leaders 2020 inductees are:

In 2020, EIC introduced its Social Impact Award that recognises individuals or organisations for extraordinary effort in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility in the global events industry. The 2020 Social Impact Award Recipients are:

EIC Social Impact Award: Individual

Latoya Lewis, Founder & Executive Director, EnventU

EIC Social Impact Award: Organisation

The Above and Beyond Foundation

EIC Social Impact Award: Leading in Times of Crisis

Black Tourism and DMO Leaders

As our industry begins to recover from facing unprecedented disruption, EIC is honoured and humbled to shine a light on the incredible leadership displayed in so many unique and meaningful ways. During a critical time when clarity and guidance are needed, these leaders have been bright beacons of strength, hope and resolve. EIC’s Global Awards event was, and will continue to be, a moment of hope and inspiration to honour the transformative impact and legacy these leaders have made upon the global business events industry and beyond.

Events Industry Council