The Value of Being Engaged

By Joyce Paschall, CAE, CMP-HC, CMM | Associate Executive Director, Education and Engagement, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine

“May you live in interesting times.” Indeed, we have been doing just that, as the supposed ancient Chinese proverb portends. Business in general and our industry, in particular, are lurching back into action, though many workers still seek a return to full employment that isn’t yet ready for them. If only there were a simple action that, consistently applied, could be the game-changer in both the short term and over the longer arc of an entire career… 

Hello, my name is Joyce. and I am a Joining Junkie. I belong to several industry organisations, some for nearly my entire working life. That path isn’t for everyone – most choose to focus on only one, and many feel hindered by a lack of employer support or the costs to maintain memberships over time. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that my involvement in these groups has helped me immeasurably, both in my career and in my growth as a person. I’ve taken on roles I would never have imagined for myself, gaining leadership experience, community and friends in the process.

Of particular importance, I can trace my current and two prior jobs, along with a fascinating side gig a few years back, directly to my active involvement in the local chapter of one of the EIC member organisations. It’s an absolute direct line thanks to specific people and connections I wouldn’t have made any other way. So, in any time of work transition, and particularly with the challenge of current times, I cannot overemphasise the value of becoming and staying engaged.

Think you can’t become involved without employer support? I joined originally, many years ago, completely on my own. In fact, when I joined that first committee, I kept it a secret because my then-boss was the type who actually resented his employees participating in anything. I recognised his shortsightedness even at my entry-level stage, and luckily for me, he moved on and I was able to begin whispering about my volunteer activities, which soon became an outright roar as I gained confidence.

Currently in active job-seeking mode? Guess what…these industry associations have job boards, conversation circles, Facebook groups and networking opportunities. Worried about networking because you’re an introvert and perceive this to be an industry bursting with bubbly socialites? The truth is there are lots of us who are naturally quiet, low-key attention avoiders. The magic is that once you are involved and know people, your perspective shifts away from yourself, allowing you to embrace it as a gathering with acquaintances and friends, and an opportunity to welcome the next line of timid first-timers. And just like that, you’ve become one of the “in” group of seemingly gregarious strivers you watched with such awe when you first leaned in.

To everyone in this industry, especially those newly minted CMPs, I implore you to JOIN SOMETHING if you haven’t yet. Look at the list of EIC member organisations for the one (or more!) that speaks best to your current or aspirational position. GET INVOLVED early and often by attending events in whatever format they are offered, volunteering for committees and then reaching for leadership roles. Do this no matter the level or lack of support from your current employer. If facing financial hardship as many are in this post-pandemic time, ask about scholarships or special rates that may apply to those in flux.

Invest in your industry and its community to reap benefits for yourself, pave the way for the next person coming along and establish a legacy of participation and connection. It’s truly a win-win, and I’m certain I’ve gained far more than I’ve given.

Thus, I offer a new proverb for a new era: “Embrace engagement and it will embrace you back!”

About Joyce

Joyce Paschall, CAE, CMP-HC, CMM, is responsible for content strategy, development and execution for educational events for the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) based in Rosemont, IL, USA.

A CMP since 1990, Joyce has over 30 years of experience as an association executive and meeting director. She’s a long-time, active member of many industry organizations and served as president of the Chicago Area Chapter of MPI in 2007-2008. She currently serves on the CAE Commission for ASAE and on the EIC Knowledge Committee. She loves what she does for pay but her true joy comes from volunteering as a foster home for senior dogs, particularly beagles.

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