Per Erickson | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Per Erickson | Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Name & Company?

Per Eriksson, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Number of years as a CMP?


Where did you grow up?

Outside the city of Karlstad in Sweden.

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?

I did not have a clear goal of what to become, but I knew it had to be working with people in one way or another.

What was your educational field of study (college major or whatever, as applicable), and, if notably different from what you do, your how/why/story?

I studied tourism management in Lillehammer, Norway, and settled here after completing my education. A scholarship after finishing the studies at the biggest exhibition in Norway, Norway Trade Fairs, opened up the interest for organizing events. After this, I got a job at the Lillehammer University College where over the years shaped my position to become a meeting planner and project manager.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?

As I have been way too long in the same organization, even if I love my job here, my advice would be to try out the different types of jobs for different companies when young to broaden your skills and perspectives.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?

Start preparing early as it is a lot to read! Also, try to test out the literature in your own work if you are in the event industry.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?

It must have been at my first MPI WEC in 2001, where I made many new contacts in the industry, many of them having the CMP on their name badges. After years of having meeting and event conferences as the main source for new knowledge and insight, I realized I needed to go deeper and get a more solid knowledge of the industry and the job as a meeting professional. So, in 2009, I decided to start studying for my CMP. I took my exam in Cancun, Mexico, in 2010 during the Meet Different Conference.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?

CMP is not well known in Norway, so it really hasn’t benefited my career. But having to the requirement of recertification has been an inspiration to attend international meetings and event conferences and keep up to date.

Favorite snack?

I love chocolate, but what I buy and enjoy most is potato chips and a particular Norwegian brand that goes very well with beer.

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?

That one does not have to travel far to experience new things or places. You can do a lot of exciting things in your own neighborhood. Here in Norway, many of us have been using nature more and in different ways than we did before.

What is the most memorable in-person experience you planned?

I planned and organized a two-week traveling seminar/study trip to Australia with a group of 40 university leaders from Nordic countries. After more than a year in the planning, it was a wonderful feeling to see how smooth it went and how satisfied all the participants were both during and after.

What is the most memorable virtual event you have done so far?

It was in August when we organized the 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas with some 300 participants from 35 countries. With solid funding, we managed to give the participants a good variation in conference formats including two virtual field trips.

What was the last book you read/listened to?

"When You See Me" by Lisa Gardner

Who will be your dream keynote speaker at your event? Why?

That would be Sir David Attenborough holding a speech on climate change. He is a great storyteller and has so much integrity.

What are the benefits you like of hosting virtual events?

As a meeting planner, I feel I get to work much closer in the designing of the program and get to work closely with speakers than I do in an in-person event.

What do you miss the most for in-person events?

The moments of informal conversations with the conference attendees and their personal feedback.

Or do you miss it at all?

Well, for some months now we have been back to close to a normal situation where we were able to hold a few in-person events where the hunger for meeting again was huge. This week, Norway again closed down with the new omicron virus moving in over the country.

What is your favorite travel destination?

There are many both here in Norway and abroad. One is Rome in Italy. It has so much history, atmosphere, exciting neighborhoods, and great Italian dining.

Do you have a favorite quote?

Since English is not my first language, I leave this blank as it is hard to get translations of quotes to work well.

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