Social Empact: An Experience for All

By Derrick M. Johnson, II, CMP, DES, Founder and President/CEO, The Organisational for Social Empact 

During the summer of 2020, many organisations jumped on the social justice train in reaction to the George Floyd killing; however, most lacked a sustainable strategy and measurements to drive lasting change. Today, many are left stalled, tired and still leveraging the traditional ways of thinking. Is this your reality or the one you want for your organisation? 

Analysing and acknowledging the current state of your organisation is sometimes the most challenging part of the process. Seeing an experience reflected through another lens can be difficult. The opportunities that reside on the other side are meaningful. Authentic transformation is at the intersection of impact and empathy [#empact] and begins with a people-centric approach to liberate experiences. 

Every person deserves the opportunity to bring their full authentic self into each event and experience. Often, communities and organisations tend to leverage control through policies and procedures limiting or muting individuality in exchange for cultural consistency. A work dress code requiring all men to wear suits and women to wear skirts does not allow individual expression and ignores gender nonconformities. We get the best from people when they are most comfortable, and people are the most comfortable as themselves instead of the images we sometimes ask them to be. 

Communities and organisations are made and shaped by their people’s minds, values and hearts. The diversity among individuals sets each apart and sets the cadence toward mission and values. It is essential that we actively seek to break down these walls of unnecessary requirements giving life to an environment celebrating and harnessing diversity equitably.

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