Elreatha Woodard, Associate Director, Annual Conference

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?
Growing up, I was surrounded by educators in my family and wanted to become a high school guidance counsellor. Of course, those gears shifted for me as I began to discover the vast amount of other career opportunities.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?
Prepare early and give yourself sufficient time to create and execute a study plan that works for you. Understand your personal motivation for pursuing the CMP exam, and this will keep you focused throughout the process.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?
Just out of college when I started working as a reservation sales agent at a hotel, I had a colleague who held the designation. As time passed, I began to see more of my peers in the industry with the designation and began doing my research to learn more about the designation and qualifications required for the exam. I committed myself to a career in the meetings industry and realised that the CMP designation would further enhance my knowledge and skills and improve opportunities for advancement.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?
Earning the designation has provided me with an abundance of knowledge that I have been able to apply to my job positions and build my career. I’m well rounded with the aspects of the meetings industry and the designation has allowed me to have a greater appreciation for those areas outside my level of expertise. I have also made some great connections with other CMPs in the industry.

Favourite snack?
I love the sweet and salty combination of chocolate and pretzels. When that’s not available, I can settle for pretzels and hummus.

What was the last book you read?
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

What are the benefits you like of hosting virtual events?
Virtual events allow you to reach a much broader audience. Attendance rate in most cases is higher than in-person events, and it provides more flexibility for attendees to participate.

 Do you have a favourite quote?
“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated” – Maya Angelou

Events Industry Council