Circularity has become a word commonly used in sustainability, but what does it actually mean?

By Gayle Murphy, CEO, Global Green Events Ltd

To think and plan circularly means you are considering all aspects of a system, whether for a product, service, or whole event. Thinking circularly involves a mindset shift.

Often in the events sector and beyond, we have had a tendency to focus on what is termed “waste management” or “waste reduction”. Circular thinking starts at the opposite end of the spectrum, with a focus on reducing what is going into the system in the first place, considering how it will be used, and ensuring it remains in the system after use i.e “closing the loop”.

In circularity, it is not about “waste management”; it’s about “resources management.” It’s a holistic approach, just like nature.

So, what does that mean for the events sector and how can we bring this into our event planning?

1. Engage everyone. Get your team, suppliers and event participants on board with circular values for procurement and operations using a set of sustainability strategies/policy.

2. Reduce. Consider what is necessary for your event. Reduce products and services that are ‘extra’ to the purpose of your event.

3. Choose wisely. Assess the sustainability of materials you use, products you buy, suppliers you engage. If you don’t know what’s best, ask a professional or use trusted (or certified) suppliers, venues and brands.

4. Efficient systems design. Consider resources used in all systems and focus on minimising and streamlining (reducing waste of materials, water, energy, food, transport, manpower etc).

5. Focus on reuse. The ideal circular system keeps the resources in the system indefinitely.

6. Plan the closing of the loop. Choose the right materials and products that can be reused, upcycled or recycled. Design the systems considering this at the start.

7. Be agile. Check in when systems are running and continue to adapt processes as needed.

8. Capture and celebrate. Track savings made, positive impacts created, and celebrate them with everyone.

Shifting our mindset to a circular approach gives us all the opportunity to make a difference, not just in the events that we run, but to our planet. Right when it really needs it.


Events Industry Council