Barry Schieferstein, CMP, American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Name & Company?

Barry Schieferstein, American Society for Nondestructive Testing

Number of years as a CMP?


Where did you grow up?

Lorain, Ohio on the shore of Lake Erie

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?

Systems Analyst. I have always had an interest in technology and computers.

What was your educational field of study (college major or whatever, as applicable), and, if notably different from what you do, your how/why/story?

I started college as a computer science major. After determining that field was not for me, and taking a break from school for several years, I finished with a degree in marketing.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?

Find what you are passionate about and look for a career do it. I spent more years than I care to admit in retail sales management. While it had its moments, it was not a passion for me nor was it enjoyable most of the time. I like to say that it took me 40 years to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the CMP exam?

Don’t overthink it and stress out about it. Much of the exam is common knowledge that anyone with at least five years in the industry would have picked up along the way. Read all of the books and then take a practice exam. The practice exam will show you where more study is needed. Finally, remember there are no trick questions. The correct answer will be obvious if you know the material.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?

I remember seeing CMP in a signature line of an email and wondering what it meant. A quick internet search gave me that answer, and I knew that it was something to strive for. When my career was at a point that afforded opportunity, I looked into what it would take to add those letters to my signature.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?

The CMP designation definitely opened doors for me and was a consideration when I interviewed for my current position. Since then, I feel it has contributed to other opportunities that I have been involved with.

Favorite snack?

When I am at home I try to turn to healthier options but when traveling I cannot turn down a good sugar cookie that seem so prevalent at conferences!

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?

I have a much clearer perspective on the importance of work-life balance. Even though I am somewhat of an introvert, I realized how valuable in-person interactions with my team and other co-workers really are. At the same time, I learned the importance of “turning off” work, which is harder to do when your office is in your home.

What is the most memorable in-person experience you planned?

The most memorable in-person experience has to be my first conference. It was an event that my wife and I, along with another couple, started with no formal event planning experience. The final result was probably much better than it should have been, given our lack of experience, but it led to a lot of learning and many great stories. It also showed me how much fun planning conferences can be!

What is the most memorable virtual event you have done so far?

Our annual conference in 2021 was our first large simultaneous hybrid conference. We learned a great deal over the 20 pandemic months prior to this event and used all of our knowledge to produce a great product. One of the first attendee comments in the chat was “This looks professionally done!” Our executive director replied “That’s because it is!”

What was the last book you read/listened to?

Under our Skin: Getting Real about Race. Getting Free from the Fears and Frustrations that Divide Us by Benjamin Watson.

What are the benefits you like of hosting virtual events?

I enjoy trying new technology and offering new features to attendees to see what works, what doesn’t, and what should be developed.

What do you miss the most for in-person events, if at all?

We have been back in-person since July 2021 but, prior to that, I missed travelling and being onsite. I enjoy seeing new cities, working with hotels and convention centers, and just the whole experience of doing in-person meetings!

What is your favorite travel destination?

I love the gulf coast of Florida.  Anything between Tampa and Naples is great for vacations.

Do you have a favorite quote?
The greatest enemy of learning is knowing. John C. Maxwell

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