The Impact of CSR

By Benoit Sauvage, CMP Fellow, DMCP, CITP, Founder and CEO at Connect DMC

Many may associate the Dominican Repbulic with its breathtaking white-sand beaches with crystal-clear waters, but located just 20 minutes away from the desirable town of Punta Cana is the rural and underprivileged community of Vista Alegre.

After the passage of Hurricane Irma, we along with our client shared a vision to transform a neglected and damaged rural school into a stimulating new learning centre for 85 children.

The head teacher of the school approached me with an old class book as a present. She told me that this book was the first she could ever afford to buy and how, she couldn’t go to school at the same time as her brother. She had to share the uniform and shoes so her brother went to school in the morning, they would switch clothes at lunch time, and she went in the afternoon. This was the only way they could both attend school and get a better education.

We both looked at the new Vista Alegre school where, thanks to the generous donations of our client and their group participants over the course of three months, we could build a hurricane-proof roof, bookshelves, benches, school tables, fans, restrooms and a full playground. We also planted trees and grass surrounding the property and closed it in with a new painted fence and gravel. We also installed Internet and electricity so the children could have access to new technologies and discover the world!

Over 200 volunteers worked together with the children on the finishing touches and donated amazing books, back packs, dental kits, uniforms, shoes. and even bicycles for those who live in remote areas and have to walk a couple of hours to get to school every day.

Looking at this accomplishment and its meaning for this amazing community, I realise the important role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the incentive travel industry. Giving just a little bit of time and resource, we created a lasting legacy that has transformed the lives of this community and also inspired teamwork and collaboration.

Since our experience with Vista Alegre, we have provided support to several rural schools, orphanages and baseball grounds, impacting group participants’ experiences and involving local communities to work together towards a better sustainable education. Conscious of the long-lasting importance of the accomplished work, we also train our communities to continue to manage these new resources.

By embracing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), CSR actions create a bridge between travellers and the local communities. Our company has embraced SDG goals N4 (Quality Education), N10 (Reduced Inequalities) and N11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) to work on interaction and integration by providing a better and sustainable education and a better life for the underprivileged.

Each of the SDGs is of equal importance – you might relate more to a certain one than another. On a personal and organisational level, and for a better future for the generations to come, start by choosing just one and start applying it in your organisation and household.

And remember, any action toward sustainability is a positive action – each little step counts to change the world!

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