Join the CMP Governance Commission – apply by 14 October

The Events Industry Council is seeking engaged CMPs for volunteer leadership roles with the 2023 CMP Governance Commission. The deadline for nominations is Friday, 14 October 2022. Selected Commission members serve three-year terms beginning 1 January 2023.

Click here to apply now.

About the CMP Governance Commission

The CMP Governance Commission is the governing body that oversees the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) credential. The CMP credential is recognised globally as the badge of excellence in the events industry. The qualifications for certification are based on professional experience, education, and a rigorous exam. The Commission serves the global CMP community.

The CMP Governance Commission is committed to sharing and living the values of diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility in order to achieve and sustain excellence. We believe we can best support the credential's excellence by promoting, recruiting, and retaining a diverse group of CMPs and Commission members to support the CMP community.

CMPs of all experience levels are encouraged to apply to serve on the Commission. The desired skills and experience listed below will be evaluated by the Nomination Committee to ensure individuals with diverse qualifications and perspectives join the Commission to continue to enrich the group’s competencies.

Individual Contributor Skills:

•    Proven leader
•    Highly professional
•    Strong business acumen
•    Collaborative thinker
•    Demonstrated strong verbal and written communication skills
•    Possess a sound understanding of group dynamics, and the role it plays in business

The collective membership of the CMP Governance Commission will possess a global mindset, governance knowledge, respective industry experience representative of the CMP community, and a commitment to advancing the CMP strategic plan.

Please consider nominating yourself or a fellow CMP to serve as a member of the CMP Governance Commission by 14 October 2022. To apply, simply complete the online application. Click here to learn more about the CMP Governance Commission and current members.

Events Industry Council