What the Pacesetter Award means for a LATAM professional


By David Hidalgo A. Director, IBTM Americas

The 2022 EIC Global Awards marked one of the most important nights in my career, and not just because I had the enormous privilege of receiving the Pacesetter Award delivered by the Events Industry Council; this kind of recognition is an indicator to many people in LATAM that we can achieve this relevance and impact globally.

Latin America is building its own story and in this key moment when the  events industry is dramatically changing, LATAM is demonstrating that it is ready to perform and compete with other top destinations. Of course, it is a long journey for the region but, recognition such as the Pacesetter Award can inspire hundreds of professionals and show that LATAM is poised for its moment in the spotlight.

Our moment is now. There is a very real opportunity to build a strong and supportive industry which is united, collaborates, supports and drives business for the benefit of our region.

There is no doubt that LATAM is a great region to do business with and to deliver unforgettable live experiences in however, our cultural differences were previously seen as a disadvantage. This has changed over the past few years, with many organisers looking to champion and appreciate a destination’s culture and incorporate this into their events. Now is the perfect time for LATAM to take advantage of this new appreciation and look at how it can weave culture into incoming events and experiences as it will benefit the region significantly, both socially and economically.

One strong and integrated region will be the synonym of progress, growth and opportunities for our colleagues everywhere in the Americas. With this achievement, the meetings and events industry can deliver one of its main missions; to contribute to the wellbeing and progress of the humankind.

It has been our vision at IBTM Americas, and personally, to contribute to the progression and integration of the Americas. To receive the EIC Pacesetter Award is a real privilege for me, for my team and also for the LATAM events sector; it is an excellent opportunity to be listened to by our industry peers and for us to share our vision.

Events Industry Council