Introducing Sally Noona, CMP

Name & Company
Sally Noona, CMP, Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau

Number of years as a CMP
12+ years

Where did you grow up?
Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?
I was your typical college graduate who had no idea what I wanted to be – I always gravitated to learning and being of service to people.

What was your educational field of study (college major or whatever, as applicable), and, if notably different from what you do, your how/why/story?
I went to the University of Virginia and received my degree in Communications (which meant I read and wrote a lot of papers). My side gig was being a University Guide where I would give tours of the University not only to prospective students, but also to tourists as well. I gave the tourists a historical tour of the Rotunda and the 'academical village.' Little did I know that there were real jobs like this. After an informational interview and looking up what a convention and visitors bureau (CVB) was in my Encyclopedia Britannica, I started working for a CVB in the mid 80s.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?
To the young professional, seek out internships and volunteer opportunities to learn about industries and/or tracks within areas of interest – you never know what you don’t know!  And to the professional, find a mentor (or two) who will be your objectional professional guide and sounding board.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?
READ the BOOKS (answers follow the books) and get into a study group where you can take practice exams together and discuss.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?
I believe it was through PCMA and colleagues in the industry. I had been in the industry for many years and was seeing many people with much less experience than myself receiving the certification. So I decided - it was time!

What inspires you the most when you think about the future of our industry or the impact of our industry? 
That associations and organisations have the power to impact positive change in the world!

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?
Having the CMP certification has positively impacted my career in many ways: the certification brings relevance and knowledge behind my name as well as to our CVB Team; as a life-long learner, it continues to keep me current regarding trends and best practices and gives me a skillset that is useful inside and outside of work!  

Favorite snack?
Love almonds or any kind of nut (you are what you eat, right?!)

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?
The importance of family, human connection and technology! Having the support of family (the one at home and the one at the office) is critical to anyone’s success. We made sure that our teams stayed connected and were supported electronically during the pandemic. I am equally blessed to live in an area with so much natural outdoor beauty that I never felt pent-up during the pandemic. Riding my bike to the boardwalk was and continues to be truly therapeutic and an activity I look forward to!

What is the most memorable in-person experience you planned?
One of my favorite familiarisation (FAM) trips was our 'Boogie to the Beach' event that incorporated everything 70s, including outfits and big hair! And with every FAM, we do a 'give back marketplace' where our partners and clients come together to not only meet but also to create a CSR component for a worthwhile cause. We did a food drive and created hygiene kits for the homeless.

What do you miss the most for in-person events?
Absolutely the serendipitous connections you make at breakouts, on shuttles or at meal events where the connection is like magic! Everyone has an amazing story to share and sometimes your two worlds collide in a great way and you now have a life-long friend!

What is your favorite travel destination?
There are too many to mention and too many yet to see. I truly enjoy being at home with family and friends creating home cooked meals and having great conversations since I am on the road a lot.

Do you have a favorite quote?
Norman Vincent Peale: “Change your thoughts and you can change your world.”

Events Industry Council