Introducing Jamie Simpson, CMP

Name & Company
Jamie Simpson, American Association for Clinical Chemistry

Number of years as a CMP

Where did you grow up?
Oakton, VA

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?
I thought I wanted to become an author but, it turns out that I prefer to read books.

What was your educational field of study (college major or whatever, as applicable), and, if notably different from what you do, your how/why/story?
I have a business degree from the University of Mary Washington. I thought I wanted to work at a museum. While attending Mary Washington, I participated in our student-based entertainment committee where we managed a small budget to bring entertainment to campus. I enjoyed planning the events but realized I didn’t want to work nights and weekends every weekend post college, so I turned to meeting planning.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?
Proactively plan as much as you can in advance for any event so you have bandwidth to address last minute changes or issues. Also, stay calm in high stress situations because you will find a solution to any problem if you can remain calm and work with your team.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?
Read the books and study, preferably join a study group, and take practice exams.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?
I learned about the CMP designation when I was early in my career and felt the certification would show my knowledge about the industry which would help my resume stand out.

What inspires you the most when you think about the future of our industry or the impact of our industry? 
We know the meetings industry provides substantial benefits to the economy. However, what inspires me most about the industry is that we provide people experiences where they feel safe and can learn, network, and meet face to face to brainstorm new ideas. Attendees are surrounded by a community of people with similar interests working together to solve different industry issues. I am inspired by the work our attendees can do because we provide them an opportunity to meet and learn together.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?
I believe the CMP helped my resume stand out earlier in my career. The CMP designation also helped me join a community of people with similar interests.

Favorite snack?
My current favorite snack is Skinny Pop popcorn. I also love chocolate.

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?
It’s important to step away from work and take care of your health and wellbeing.

What is the most memorable in-person experience you planned?
My most memorable in-person experience I planned was AACC’s Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo in September 2021 in Atlanta. AACC’s 2021 meeting was the first in person meeting held since March 2020. We worked as a team with our staff and vendors to plan our first hybrid Annual Scientific Meeting. It was very challenging adding the complexities of implementing COVID-19 safety protocols for 7,000 attendees and being onsite for the first time in 18 months. The challenges were worth it to see the excitement on our attendees faces to be able to meet in person.

What is the most memorable virtual event you have done so far?
My most memorable virtual event was AACC’s Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo in December 2020. During the pandemic, we were hoping and planning to be in person in Chicago in December. Four months before the meeting we recognized we couldn’t hold a large in person meeting safely and switched the meeting to virtual. We had a short period of time to train speakers and staff and set up the virtual platform. The virtual event included live sessions, prerecorded sessions with live Q&A, prerecorded sessions on demand, small live group sessions and events. Our small meetings team worked countless hours and were very excited when the meeting was successful, and we were able to provide education to our members and attendees.

What was the last book you read/listened to?
“Long Shadows” by David Baldacci

Who would be your dream keynote speaker at your event? Why?
Former General Gus Perna. My organization represents lab medicine. Former General Perna was named to co-lead the U.S. government’s COVID-19 response in 2020 for vaccine and therapeutics — also known as Operation Warp Speed. General Perna worked to build manufacturing capacity and the end-to-end supply chain needed to get vaccines distributed “at warp speed.” I saw him speak at an HIDA meeting and he was very inspirational detailing the challenges faced making and distributing the COVID-19 vaccine across the country and emphasized how many people across the country worked together to distribute the vaccine quickly and safely.

What are the benefits you like of hosting virtual events?
Virtual events allow education to be shared with individuals who are unable to travel to the meeting for a variety of reasons to include health, financial, scheduling conflicts, etc.

What is your favorite travel destination?
For personal travel, I enjoy traveling to the beach. My family enjoys visiting Sandbridge Beach in VA annually. But I love visiting any beach, FL, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, etc.

Do you have a favorite quote?
"We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it as not as dreadful as it appears."

Events Industry Council