Name & Company
Yvette Clark, CMP, Council on Social Work Education

Number of years as a CMP
10 years.

Where did you grow up?
Houston, Texas, USA.

What did you want to (or think you’d) be when you grew up?
I have always loved reading and children; Kindergarten Teacher or Flight Attendant.

What was your educational field of study?
I worked in the back office of a hotel during college and the experience caused me to second guess teaching. Education with a minor in communications seemed like a direct path; but this slight detour left me wanting more of the travel and the behind the scenes life of events.

What advice would you give, either to your younger self or to newer professionals now?
Give yourself every opportunity to learn. I have grown so much from being involved with the planning groups. Seeing the beginning stages of an idea helps to develop the strategic planning acumen. You should meet each person where they are in their career. Not everyone wants to be a Senior Director or President.  However, each encounter allows a practice of collaboration and workflow management. I would also encourage joining professional organizations and participate in focus groups. I know that many in professional groups encourage finding a mentor. I want to turn that around and say be a mentor. We each have our own stories of how our work life is going for us; but it can be a testament to someone that is new to the industry of how to trust the process and do the work. The details dictate diligence and completion. Volunteer to be a part of the larger events planning groups. The wealth of information is immense and can provide a 360 view of the innerworkings of a seasoned group of planners and the collaboration. Always encourage colleagues to also volunteer as well. Availing yourself to charities of interest as well as professional industry events builds a stronger cross section of vendors and reference points for future endeavors.

What advice would you give to anyone preparing to take the exam?
Tap into those areas that you may not have experience with day to day. Join a study group and participate in the questionnaires. Practice looking at the reference books for the procedural documentation not the practice performed daily.

When did you first hear about the CMP designation and what drew you to this certification?
Attending a professional focus group and to learn that it is attainable with a little effort and focus. The industry is filled with brilliant individuals many of whom have the designation.   

What inspires you the most when you think about the future of our industry or the impact of our industry?
The new individuals that are unapologetically seeking the work/life balance that planners with 10-15+ years of experience only dreamed of having early in our careers.

How has earning the CMP designation impacted (or benefited) your career?
I know that it has helped with gaining access to positions that are now making it a requirement. If you can gain more knowledge and a designation; why wouldn’t you?

Favorite snack?

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned during the pandemic?
There is more to life than work. Events and positions will come and go – but the friends and family that support us in this career are vital to our mental and overall well-being. 

What is the most memorable in-person experience you planned?
Working with a young Ph.D. student presenting for the first time. She invited her grandparents; parents and her younger brother to support her during the panel. There were only about 60 people in the room, but the glow on her face was spectacular. The family surrounding her; and placing her infant son in her arms after the presentation – priceless.

What is the most memorable virtual event you have done so far?
Completing the first 2020 all virtual event with over 600 presentations.

What was the last book you read/listened to?
Lawless – Kimberley Motley.

Who will be your dream keynote speaker at your event?
Kimberley Motley – she is doing phenomenal work in the social justice space. However, Ibram X. Kendi from the 2020 meeting gave a great talk on racial justice.

What are the benefits you like of hosting virtual events?
Not having to travel the staff and attendees who were not wanting to go to an in-person event.

What do you miss the most for in-person events?
The excitement of traveling with the ability to meet and connect with a whole new group of people. The way spontaneous discussion groups can grow after a session. Hallways become information thoroughfares for attendees and speakers alike. New mentors meeting mentees – advantageous for so many.

What is your favorite travel destination?
San Diego and Chicago. Italy was amazing.

Do you have a favorite quote?
“I don’t have big dreams. I just want to be here in five years, breathing and doing what I love to do. I just need to be free to tell my stories from my spirit, my heart…unrestricted. Life is fleeting. If we could be here doing what we love to do, that is success.” Ava Duvernay.

Events Industry Council