As we write the final chapter on 2022 and look forward to the New Year, I continue to be inspired by the resilience of our industry. The CMP community plays a vital role as ambassadors of our vision to enrich lives and drive economic growth through the power of events worldwide. Thank you for committing to a lifelong learning journey and the professional standards that provide a framework for collaboration.

The CMP certification, SEPC certificate programme, and Sustainable Event Standards are a resource for our industry to invest in their best resources: their people. EIC’s work this year has centered around the concept of People, Planet and Purpose with close alignment to our values: ethical, transparent, inclusive, innovative and responsible. Through the dedication and significant contributions of many, we were able to deliver our EIC Equity Benchmarking Study, engage in the ongoing work for the future of the CMP through the Competency Profile and Job Task Analysis Project, and relaunch our Sustainable Event Standards.

We are so grateful for all our members, partners and volunteer leaders, including the CMP Governance Commission, APEX Commission, Equity Task Force, Knowledge Committee, and Sustainability and Social Impact Committee. Our volunteers contributed in so many ways to deliver on our organisation’s purpose on behalf of our members for our workforce. I would also like to thank the team at EIC that has supported the evolution of our organisation with passion and dedication.

We are optimistic that the global business events sector in 2023 will continue to show signs of resilience and growth. The EIC Global Business Events Barometer highlights industry 2022 performance through Q3 in several regions as close to or above pre-pandemic levels of 2019. Further validating the relevance of our CMP and the International Standard,™ there will continue to be a need to demonstrate plans and practices closely aligned with evolving risk assessment and mitigation plans while also working on the adaptions and innovations necessary to ensure our sector’s future relevance and vibrance. In Q1, we will deliver the next EIC Economic Significance Study in partnership with Oxford Economics.

Programmatically, 2023 is going to be a very exciting year at the Events Industry Council as we continue to lead and engage in global dialogue and collaboration, embracing our role catalysing needed change in our sector and sharing our story broadly as events play an essential role as a force for good in our global society – inspiring our current and future workforce.

With the launch of our new EIC Corporate Membership, we will host our first EIC Leadership Summit in conjunction with the freshly imagined CMP Advance (formerly CMP Conclave). These programmes will unite industry thought leaders from across the globe to engage in dialogue around equity, inclusion, regenerative event practices and building capabilities for our workforce.

We invite all CMPs to join us at Hilton Midtown in New York City, New York, 30 April – 2 May 2023 for CMP Advance. This programme, exclusive to CMPs and CMP Fellows, celebrates you.

Again, thank you for the continued support and engagement. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Warmest Regards,

Amy Calvert, CEO, Events Industry Council

Events Industry Council