Introducing Timothy Glanzer, CMP: 2023 CMP Governance Commission Chair

Happy 2023 CMP colleagues! As we all run into the new year with hope and great anticipation, there is a lot to be grateful for and celebrate in the CMP community.

I’m Timothy Glanzer, CMP, and I am honored and VERY excited to be the CMP Governance Chair for 2023. I have been a CMP since 2000, and it has been one of the great highlights in my career. I view the CMP Governance Chair role as a true blessing and one where I can have a great impact along with my fellow CMP Commission members.

I have been on the Commission since 2016 and have enjoyed every minute of it. I appreciate the many talented colleagues I have had the opportunity to work with over the years. I’d like to thank a few of those industry leaders who have supported me and given their full commitment to the Commission.

First, I’d like to thank Alisa Peters, CMP, CMM, who is leaving the Commission after many years of great influence and leadership and who has mentored and supported me all along the way. She is a true professional and a wonderful human, and I will miss her humor and energy on the Commission. I’d like to thank Steve Lorenz, CMP, for leaving me with such great momentum as he moves to his Past Chair role and continues to support us for another year. I’d also like to acknowledge all the Commission members who are ending their time on the Commission this year and say THANK YOU for your hard work and dedication to the CMP Programme.

The CMP Commission has a full plate of initiatives, and we will work tirelessly with your support to continue to achieve great things with a new CMP Governance Commission that has never been stronger or more talented.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2023 as an industry, and I believe we also have a responsibility to continue to build the momentum that we currently have in various areas that support our healthy growth and success. We will:

Now more than ever is the time to collaborate and unite our incredible industry through volunteerism and giving back to this great community that has provided so much for so many.

I look forward to an amazing year and meeting and working with many of you to continue to elevate our event industry that we all love so much. 

Thank you, and I hope to see all of you in April at CMP Advance.

Events Industry Council