EIC’s Equity Acceleration Plan Update

In October, EIC, in partnership with its Global Equity Task Force, released the results of its 2022 Equity Benchmarking Study, the critical first phase of EIC’s Equity Acceleration Plan. EIC appointed its Global Equity Task Force in 2020 to address systemic racism and all forms of discrimination in the business events and hospitality industry.

The study is Phase One of the plan, and reveals widespread DEI dissatisfaction amongst event professionals, minority groups and women. The results of the benchmarking study underscored that the industry has a significant way to go toward advancing ethnic diversity, gender inclusivity and equity in leadership and influential positions.

The second phase of the Equity Acceleration Plan kicks off in April with a leadership workshop to delve deeper into the study and shape resources and deliverables for the benefit of EIC’s global membership. This phase will focus on the first two dimensions of the DEI experience: Ownership and Accountability/Power of Influence, and how the plan can provide tools for organisations to connect DEI principles to actual outcomes.

The overarching Equity Acceleration Plan is a tool to measure progress. The EIC Equity Acceleration Plan will support event professionals in creating more diverse and inclusive environments, developing career pathways and ensuring representation in leadership and supply chains by providing the learning and resources intended to reach and support the industry.

For their determination and commitment to bring the benchmarking study to fruition, EIC acknowledges these research partners: Tharoor Associates and Culturelytics; its consultants, Culturist Group and Miles Partnership; and its supporting partners who have made significant contributions and generously united to drive a greater impact for the events industry.

Events Industry Council