How To Unlock Inclusivity as a Force for Growth

By Bobby Jones, CMP Advance Closing Keynote

I want to talk to you today about something incredibly important to me and many of you – inclusivity in the events industry. As someone who has dedicated their career to speaking at events and creating experiences that are welcoming and supportive of everyone, I believe that inclusivity is the key to unlocking the full potential of our industry.

An event can only be considered a success when every attendee is empowered to participate without barriers. We must be intentional about creating experiences that are inclusive and meaningful for all. Inclusivity is not just the right thing to do – it is also a smart business strategy. Research has shown companies that prioritise diversity and inclusion are more innovative, have higher employee engagement and retention, and are more profitable. 

So, how can we unlock inclusivity as a force for growth in the events industry? 

  1. Start with a commitment to inclusivity: Creating inclusive events starts with a commitment to inclusivity at all levels of your organisation. This means ensuring that your leadership team is diverse and inclusive, establishing clear policies and guidelines around diversity and inclusion, and investing in employee training and education.
  2. Prioritise accessibility: Accessibility is a critical component of inclusivity. To create genuinely inclusive events, we must prioritise accessibility in all aspects of our events. This means ensuring that our venues are physically accessible, providing interpretation and translation services as needed, and offering accommodations for attendees with disabilities.
  3. Incorporate diverse perspectives and voices: Incorporating diverse perspectives and voices into our events is essential for creating an inclusive experience. By featuring speakers and performers from diverse backgrounds and showcasing various views and experiences in our programming, we create opportunities for attendees to connect with and learn from people from different backgrounds.

A great example of this is Justina Miles' incredible performance as Rihanna's ASL interpreter during the U.S. Super Bowl, which reminded us of the astonishing value that diversity and inclusion can bring to events. It's time to celebrate our differences and embrace them fully in the events industry. With just a simple shift in perspective, we can unlock a new level of energy and impact that will transform the events we create.

As the co-founder of Conspiracy of Love, a purpose consultancy, I am passionate about encouraging our clients to think bigger than the next transaction or sale. We call this approach "think transformational, not transactional" and "think citizens, not consumers." These principles are also discussed in my newest book, Good is the New Cool: The Principles of Purpose. (Feel free to contact me here to get a complimentary purpose toolkit.)

As a purpose-driven consultant, I work with leaders around the world to help them find their purpose and develop strategies that align with their values. In particular, I focus on helping them create more inclusive and purpose-driven organisations and business activities. To achieve this, I ask them to reflect on critical questions that help them find their unique voice when it comes to these key issues. 

By reflecting on these questions and incorporating inclusivity into their daily work, leaders can create more transformative and impactful events that align with their values.

As business events industry leaders, you have the power to make a real difference. Let's commit ourselves to creating truly inclusive events that unlock the full potential of our industry. Together, we can bring people back together with purpose and make the events industry a more inclusive, innovative, and impactful space for all.

Events Industry Council