CMP Today

Events Industry Council

Chair's corner
The events and meetings industry is a robust, trillion dollar worldwide industry. Events can touch people on so many levels. From the local people employed to help an event run to those attending who get to network face-to-face, the opportunity to connect is one we should not take lightly.


Just last year, the Events Industry Council released the Global Economic Significance of Business Events study, which showed that 1.5 billion people in more than 180 countries participated in business events in 2017 alone.


In the featured article for this month’s CMP Today,The social impact of events,” we hear Jessica Levin, CMP, MBA, CAE, DES, discuss how events and charity can go hand-in-hand and better ourselves and our society. What’s more interesting is her approach to being charitable. By using the same strategies one might use while planning a meeting, Levin is elevating community service from a “feel good” project to something that can invoke real change.

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Events and Programmes
Every meeting and event professional knows events can be powerful.


At its core, an event is a chance for people to connect face to face and a place where they can learn, network and grow. But it can be so much more than that. Jessica Levin, CMP, MBA, CAE, DES, president and chief connector of Seven Degrees, LLC—a marketing consulting firm—believes that all events have the power to affect meaningful change and social impact. All one has to do is look for smart, strategic opportunities to a mark.


“Events and meeting professionals are in this very unique situation where we bring people together to share ideas,” Levin said. “So we have an opportunity to not only use their collective wisdom to solve our own industry challenges—or whatever we happen to be discussing at any particular event—we also have an opportunity to help solve bigger issues affecting our communities.”

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Sullivan County Catskills
Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau
Events and programmes
If you’re looking to learn about some of the most important topics in the event and meetings industry—and gaining CEs while you do so—look no further than CMP Conclave. This one-of-a-kind event made by CMPs for CMPs has five different educational tracks: Event Strategy and Planning, Leadership, Meetings and Event Design, Personal Growth and Wellness, and Social Responsibility and Sustainability. 


There are also several pre- and full-conference workshops to help you maximise your learning opportunities. Attendees can earn up to 16.75 CEs in total.


Beyond education, CMP Conclave offers a unique opportunity to network and interact face-to-face with peers from across the globe. These social experiences can enrich your career and create contacts in all areas of the industry. 


CMP Conclave runs 15-17 November 2019 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Be sure to check out all the educational sessions and register for the event!

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Combining active learning and experiential elements, the Sustainable Event Professional Certificate (SEPC) programme enables participants to implement their own sustainable events. The next SEPC programme will be offered in conjunction with CMP Conclave at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.


Topics will include understanding the business value of sustainability for the events industry; practical solutions for improving your environmental performance in areas such as food and beverage, transportation and supply chain management; and effective methods for achieving corporate social responsibility goals. As part of the programme, the participants will customise a roadmap for their own sustainable event.


SEPC programme at CMP Conclave:

  • Thursday, 14 November | 2:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. MT | 3.00 CEs

  • Friday, 15 November | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. MT, 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m. MT | 5.00 CEs

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Tuesday, 19 November | 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EST/UTC-05:00


It’s a Penalty is an organisation that runs awareness-raising campaigns during major sporting events which educate, equip and encourage people to stand up against and prevent abuse, exploitation and trafficking globally. Partnering with the biggest names in sports, airlines, hotels, law enforcement, sporting governing bodies and NGOs, It’s a Penalty reaches an average of 155 million people worldwide per campaign. Together with partners, more than 16,865 victims of abuse and exploitation during events have been protected and rescued. Collaboration is key in this fight. In this webinar, explore how working with a variety of stakeholders during your conference, meeting or event can contribute toward ending human trafficking and exploitation on a global scale. Learning outcomes:

  • Learn how media campaigns are effective in preventing human trafficking from happening.

  • Discuss why now is the time to take action.

  • Discover what you and your company/organisation can do to be part of the global action.


  • Giselle Barboza, Campaign Director, It's a Penalty

  • Gwendal Castellan (moderator), Tourism Vancouver

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Thursday, 21 November | 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. EST/UTC-05:00


The world is asking about the climate crisis. What’s really happening? Can we actually solve it? What can we do? We think it’s time for answers. Let’s learn about the crisis and discover how to turn knowledge into collective action in your sphere of influence. Events can be a massive contributor to the pollution of the environment. Event-related activities like travel, venues, accommodation, and food and beverage can result in large amounts of additional greenhouse gas emissions. What does this really mean? Because a global threat like the climate crisis requires a global response, we need to understand the facts and hear about the solutions that drive positive impacts.


Join us for a presentation and hear directly from trained Climate Reality Leaders and award-winning meeting industry and sustainability professionals on the impacts, solutions and what you can do to help drive urgent action within the meetings and events industry.


Let’s create a sustainable future together. Because it’s (y)our planet on the line. (Y)our future. And it starts with you, your community, your business environment and your events.


This webinar is being presented in collaboration with The Climate Reality Project’s initiative, 24 Hours of Reality – a global conversation on the truth of the climate crisis and how we solve it. For one full day, Climate Reality Leaders, trained by former Vice President Al Gore, will hold public presentations and conversations on our changing climate in schools, community centers, workplaces, businesses and more across the globe. For more info:


Learning outcomes:

  • Gain a deep understanding of key facts and what the climate crisis means for you from someone who knows where you’re coming from.

  • Discover the practical solutions in our hands today and how we can create a safe and sustainable future for the Earth.

  • Learn about practical steps you can take today to help solve the crisis.


  • Climate Reality Leader; Claudia van’t Hullenaar, Founder Sustained Impact, Climate Reality

  • Climate Reality Leader; Jaime Nack, Founder Three Squares Inc., Climate Reality

  • Moderator; Mariela McIlwraith (moderator), Events Industry Council

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Chicago's First Lady Cruises
TCF Center
Call for action

The following is sponsored content from CadmiumCD.


By Michael Doane, CadmiumCD marketing manager


Founded in 1902, the American Urological Association (AUA) is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community. The AUA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of urologists in the world, delivering unparalleled access to groundbreaking research, new guidelines and the latest advances in urologic medicine.


Liz Selover, AUA Conventions and Meetings Manager, and her team member, Kaili Johnson, needed a way to manage housing, travel and registration details for their VIP members and attendees. They wanted something that would alleviate human error and automate their process.

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CMPs in the news

Nine CMPs were named as Smart Meetings’ 2019 Planners of the Year, an honour that designates leaders in the field for their exemplary work. Those named were:

  • Shawn Cheng, CMP, DES | Project manager, MCI Group Canada

  • Karen Cornelius, CMP | Manager of global event marketing, Scotiabank

  • Kara Ferguson, CMP, MSHTM | Meeting planner, American Society of Anesthesiologists

  • Megan Finnell, CMP | Director of meetings and conferences, Medical Group Management Association

  • Gigi Gleason, CMP, CWAS | Senior manager of global strategic meetings, Autodesk Inc.

  • Liz Green, CMP, CTA | CEO and chief event curator, ELEVAR Events by Liz Green, LLC

  • Victoria Love, CMP | Event logistics manager, BCD @ Cisco

  • Amanda Tilley, CMP | Head of events management, Sisense

  • Karen Watson, CMP, Experience Economy Expert Certification | Senior director of strategic events, Maritz Global Events

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Sherry Gendel, CMP, was named as Trade Show Executive’s 2019 Women to Watch. Gendel is the manager of exhibition services for the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). She joined the company in 2016 as an assistant and now serves as the lead contact for one of the largest medical conferences in the country, according to the magazine.


She was honoured at the TSE Gold 100 Summit and Awards ceremony last month in San Diego.


“It was a great honour,” Gendel said. “The group was so supportive and welcoming!”

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Have you been quoted in an article? Do you have some exciting news to share?
Contact us at and we can share it with the leading individuals and companies involved in the events industry!

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Events Industry Council
T +1 (202) 367-1190
1725 | Street, N.W., Suite 800,
Washington, D.C. 20006