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Submit Your Annual Construction Prevailing-Wage Survey Online by May 31

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Submitted by the MN Department of Labor & Industry

Prevailing-wage-wage annual survey
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is surveying wage rates paid to certain workers who worked on commercial, residential and highway and heavy construction projects in the state to determine prevailing-wage rates.

Those surveyed must submit to DLI reports of hourly wage rates paid to workers on projects performed during the past 12 months. All reports must be sent to DLI by close of business Friday, May 31, 2024.

How you can participate
The survey can be completed by mail or online. The prevailing-wage online survey portal is open year-round where you may enter projects for the 2024 survey period. To access the online portal, a personal identification number (PIN) and key is required. To request a request for a PIN and key, email the prevailing-wage wage survey team at pwsurvey.dli@state.mn.us. To complete the survey by mail, you may download a printable version of the 2024 survey

Helpful tips for completing the survey

  • Only report work performed between April 2, 2023, to May 30, 2024.
  • Workers can be reported more than once, but only once for each project.
  • Workers reported on the survey must have worked at least eight hours on the project.
  • All commercial and residential projects must have a complete street address.
  • A separate form is required for each project reported.
  • Review classification titles for correct reporting. For equipment operators, use the classification code under the highway and heavy list, 302 through 397; for commercial or residential, use list 501 through 550; and for paving and grading equipment for all types of construction use the highway and heavy list, 302 through 397.
  • Highway and heavy projects may only be reported if the cost of the project is $25,000 or more.
  • Commercial or residential project data may only be reported if the total cost of each project is $2,500 or more. Commercial construction includes apartment complexes and structures of three units or more. Residential construction applies to single-family and two-family homes.

Members of the Electrical Association who are new to the Prevailing Wage Survey or government work and would like to learn more including participation strategies can call Michelle Dreier or set up a 15-minute consult. Book a meeting with Michelle.

More information
If you have questions or would like more information, contact the MN DLI at 
651-284-5192 or pwsurvey.dli@state.mn.us.


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