Submitted by the professionals at MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation
Across the country, statistics show that more than one-third of all construction fatalities are related to falls. This continues to be the leading cause of death for construction employees.
In Minnesota, in the past five years, the annual average number of fatalities under MNOSHA jurisdiction was 32. MNOSHA investigated each of those 160 fatalities. Forty of those were related to falls from elevation, which ranked second highest behind “contact with an object or equipment.”
In 2023, fall protection (1926.501) was cited 158 times, leading the most frequently cited construction standards in Minnesota. Also included in Minnesota’s top 10 most frequently cited standards are other “fall themed” standards including fall protection training requirements (1926.503), scaffold requirements (1926.451), and elevated work platform equipment requirements (5207.1100).
Falls from elevation are also the second leading cause of serious injury in Minnesota, again, behind contact with an object or equipment. In the past five years, MNOSHA investigated 237 serious injuries and 53 of those serious injuries were fall related.
Pre-planning is an essential part of preventing falls in the construction industry.
Construction is an ever-changing industry and new conditions warrant thorough analysis. Eliminating exposure to fall hazards with conventional fall protection and providing appropriate training is paramount on every jobsite.
We ask employees and employers to be diligent in your job duties and use this information as an opportunity to work with your employer on any safety concerns you have.
Take advantage of available resources, such as the MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation Program for questions you may have.
Fall hazards can be controlled and eliminated in the workplace. At every jobsite, we ask that you to take a hard look at your surroundings to eliminate any risk of falling.
About MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation
Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) Workplace Safety Consultation provides free consultation services upon request to employers to assist them in their safety and health efforts without citations or penalties. Priority is given to small employers, especially those in high-hazard industries. The only employer obligation is a commitment to correct serious hazards in a timely manner. Your company's name and file are confidential and not available to MNOSHA Compliance.
Contact MNOSHA Workplace Safety Consultation at,
651-284-5060 or 800-657-3776. And get more information online at