Breaking Down some of the NEC 2026 First Draft: A Conversation with Dean Hunter

  Mike Miller
  Mike Miller

Submitted by Mike Miller, Curriculum & Training Manager

The NFPA has published the First Draft Report of the many, many Public Inputs that were received from interested electrical professionals. In reading them on NFPA’s site, I found many typical suggestions for changes relating to grammatical corrections and word additions to exiting sentences to promote clarity. When it came to the major changes I moved on to the "Authority Having Jurisdiction.” I had the recent opportunity to host a podcast with Dean Hunter as my guest. We had a great discussion on some of the code changes that will result from the First Draft Report that will impact our wiring practices. The time flew by and here is a brief recap from some of the proposed changes:

In the interest of space and time, it is our intention to continue to upgrade this story with additional information as it become available.

The discussion with Dean was extremely enlightening to hear an explanation of the substantiations for many of the changes. Stay connected with the Electrical Association to follow additional information on the 2026 National Electrical Code Updates.

Remember, Public Input for the 2026 NEC closed on September 7, 2023.

The First Draft Report was Posted July 10, 2024.

Public Comment of the First Draft ended August 28, 2024