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Create Amazing Impacts With 15 Minutes, or 15 Dollars

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By Andy Masters

     There is a principle I must share from my program titled "From Time Management for the BUSY Sales Professional" It’s a concept I developed called "15 MINUTES OR LESS/15 DOLLARS OR LESS."  This principle illustrates that each of us can make an amazing impact on someone’s life today, using just 15 minutes or less of our time and 15 dollars or less of our money.
     I once presented at an event hosted by one of the University of Michigan campuses and enjoyed dinner with my client after the program.  During casual conversation while deciding what to order, Marilyn mentioned she "goes hog-wild" for A&W Root Beer.
     Good thing she didn’t say Dom Perignon, since dinner was on me.
     I made a mental note of her affinity for A&W Root Beer, and pondered a few alternatives on my flight back. When I arrived home, I jumped online for less than 15 minutes and ordered a case of A&W Root Beer for less than $15.00, which was delivered to Marilyn’s home address within three days.
     Pretty cool.
     The moral of the story? 
     I was re-booked there the following year, right?
     I was referred to a colleague who booked me the following year, right?
     In fact, over three years went by, and I didn’t hear anything from Marilyn. 
     Sad.  But I was used to that from women.
     Until one day, I received a phone call.

     Marilyn: "Andy...Hi—It’s Marilyn from up in Michigan, do you remember me?"
     Andy:  "Sure I remember you, Marilyn.  How are you doing?"
     Marilyn:  "I’m great!  Hey, I wanted to tell you that I’m so sorry I hadn’t kept in touch.  You’re not going to believe this, but, less than two weeks after you presented up here...well, I quit my job!  I’m doing something completely different now.  But, guess what....?"
     Andy:     "What?"
     Marilyn: "I just became chair of the planning committee for our upcoming conference, and we’d love for you to be our keynote speaker.  Are you available on August 23rd?"
     Andy:     "Yes...that sounds great.  Would love to do it!"

     After that program I presented on August 23rd, Marilyn and I again enjoyed dinner together.  I asked her a question.

     Andy:      "So, Marilyn, I have to ask...After three years, what made you decide to track me down to present this program for you?"
     Marilyn:  "Sure, Andy. I’ve been waiting three years to tell you this.  You know, I love your program.  You’re really a great speaker.  But, there are plenty of other great speakers out there who also present great programs, as well.  Do you remember that case of A&W Root Beer you shipped to my home?"
     Andy:       "Sure....absolutely."
     Marilyn:  "Andy, do you know I STILL have one can of that A&W Root Beer in my refrigerator, that I show my friends and family when they come over?  That was the greatest small gesture that anyone has ever done for me when it wasn’t my birthday or Christmas."

     As great as we think we are at what we do, there is another person, or another company, who can probably perform the same function or service just as well as we can. 
     So, what makes the difference? 
     The little things.  The little things which take 15 minutes or less, and 15 dollars or less.  What an amazing investment of so little time, and so little money.
     The excuses we subconsciously tell ourselves are "I don’t have enough time" and "I don’t have enough budget."


     Sure we do.  We should always have 15 minutes or less, and 15 dollars or less, to spend on the most important people in our life and career.
     Fifteen minutes per day is just 1/100th of our time.
     I once shared this story during my program for a chapter of Meeting Professionals International (MPI) in Richmond, Virginia.  During casual conversation at lunch, I mentioned to one of the event organizers that Fanta Orange was my favorite drink.  Three days after my program, I had a box waiting for me outside my front door. It was a collectable Fanta Orange glass purchased from
     I had a smile on my face from ear to ear.
     This totally made my day.
     Then I thought to myself, "I have to include this in my program!"  So, I visited to download a photo of the glass, and discovered this product was just $4.97—on clearance for $1.97! 
     So, what amazing impact can you make today with your special client, significant other, employee or new contact, using just 15 minutes or less and 15 dollars or less?



Andy is one of the workshop speakers you want to miss at the upcoming FAA Education Conference & Trade Show.


About the Author: Andy Masters has written 4 books, earned 4 degrees, and is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA).  Andy presents positive and entertaining programs on sales, service and work-life balance topics. 


Contact Info:

Andy Masters

President, Masters Performance Improvement





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