FAA APTitudes Newsletter
February 2016 | The monthly e-newsletter of the Florida Apartment Association

Joe Scarborough to Deliver Keynote at NAA Capitol Conference

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Join your peers at the 2016 NAA Capitol Conference and Lobby Day, March 8-9 in Washington, D.C., and help the apartment industry reach all 535 Congressional offices. It's the apartment industry's most ambitious national advocacy event in history.
  • Your voice truly matters, both as a constituent and a member of the industry who is impacted by the decisions Congress does and does not make.
  • Every member of Congress needs to understand how the industry works and how their decisions affect your business.
Former Florida Rep. Joe Scarborough, the face of MSNBC's Morning Joe, will energize you with his no-holds barred political commentary as the NAA Capitol Conference's keynote speaker on March 8. Pulling from his experience as an influential player in Republican politics, Scarborough will offer a dynamic and fast-paced perspective on the current political and media landscape and the headlines of the day. 

Registration is free so why not register today to become an informed, effective, confident advocate and support your industry? 

Visit the 2016 NAA Capitol Conference website to learn more and register.

Note: While members of the House will be in recess that week, NAA members can schedule Lobby Day meetings with important key Congressional staff members in Washington and just as importantly schedule meetings with all 100 members of the U.S. Senate, which will be in session.

Click here for more about Joe Scarborough.

Click here for more about Lobby Day.

Click here to register.

Click here for the full schedule.


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