SWFAA Trade Show – A Blast From the Past

FAA Executive Vice President Marjorie Cook participated as an exhibitor at the SWFAA Annual Trade Show on August 25. Marjorie promoted the FAA Education Conference. It turned out to be a gala event, very well attended by the local management members and 35 suppliers participated with trade show booths. The trade show theme was "Rockin’ On Up, ‘80s Style." The exhibitors and attendees alike searched their closets for their best ‘80s garb, and everyone seemed to find something from the era to wear.

As part of the festivities, FAA raffled off a free registration to the FAA Education Conference, which will take place on October 26-28 at the Hilton Orlando. The lucky winner was Jennifer Kennedy, Regional Manager with Property Counselors Management Group in Ft. Myers. Jennifer told Marjorie that she had already registered to attend, so this will enable her to bring another PCMG staff person to the conference.
Marjorie and FAA’s Government Affairs Director, Chip Tatum, will exhibit at the upcoming Sun Coast Apartment Association Trade Show on September 30th in Melbourne.