NAA Capitol Conference 2012

by Laura Heiselman, Government Affairs Director

Apartments – "The New American Dream"

The State of Florida sent 36 delegates to this year’s NAA Capitol Conference in Washington, D.C. While there, we were briefed on various issues of importance to our industry, had an opportunity to meet with and learn from our colleagues from throughout the nation, and lobbied Congressional staffers on Capitol Hill. Many attendees were Hill veterans who had participated in CapCons over the last several years. Ron Wenzel, FAA’s Secretary/Treasurer, has attended CapCon for more than five years.

"I think it’s vital to the continued success of our industry that we all attend or make every attempt to attend CapCon when possible," Ron said. "It’s important that we show our appreciation for those lawmakers who understand and support our positions and to voice our feelings about how current or proposed law[s] may impact our bottom line. It’s also a great time to meet with other associates from throughout the country and share our issues, successes or challenges."
We also had some first-time attendees at this year’s event. Rob Johansen, Legislative Chair of the Emerald Coast Apartment Association and 2012 President of the Mobile Bay Area Apartment Association, feels strongly about making your voice heard.

"Whether you’re directly in the Multi-Housing Industry or indirectly involved, such as a supplier, lobbying our Congressional leaders is of the utmost importance," Rob said. "We’re best equipped to keep them informed when it comes to policy decisions that could have an impact on our industry. I encourage everyone who is involved in multihousing to get involved with your local affiliate and exercise your right to speak up. It truly makes a difference and shows those who make key legislative decisions that we, as a whole, care."
Our main issue areas of focus were:
1)    Highlighting the burdensome, duplicative, and inconsistent regulations coming down from Federal agencies, particularly the EPA.
2)    GSE Reform - multifamily programs were not part of the meltdown, are not broken, and produced net revenue for the U.S. government.
3)    Tax Reform - advocating for a comprehensive overhaul to our tax system that won’t unfairly burden apartment owners and renters relative to other asset classes.
Issue Fact Sheets are available on these and other topics relevant to our industry by visiting:

NAA and NMHC Announce 2012 Policy Agenda

Digested From "Housing Finance Reform and Comprehensive Tax Overhaul Highlight Apartment Industry's 2012 Priorities for Capitol Hill"
PR Web (03/13/12)

The National Apartment Association (NAA) and the National Multi Housing Council (NMHC) recently announced the apartment industry's 2012 policy agenda as part of the NAA Capitol Conference's lobby day on March 14. Key priorities in the coming year include housing finance reform, comprehensive tax overhaul and cost-effective regulations. "With more than a third of all Americans renting and upwards of seven million new renter households expected this decade, it's time for Congress to create a balanced housing policy that's as flexible and dynamic as our country's housing choices," said NAA President. For more information on our policy agenda, visit:

FAA Spreads Goodwill on the Hill

Did you know that one-third of our nation’s homeless children live in Florida? This was the question Lori Trainer and other FAA colleagues asked Congressional staffers while visiting with them on March 14. The majority of the people with whom the group spoke were shocked by that staggering fact.
In 2011, FAA members, including a coalition of management companies and supplier partners, worked with community leaders to combat this epidemic by offering housing to more than 80 Florida families.
So often, when speaking with lawmakers or staff, it’s about what they can do to help us. This was a great opportunity to demonstrate that private industry saw a need, voluntarily stepped up to fill it, and has found success.

"It was a nice change to share the GOOD that Florida landlords were doing with lawmakers, a sharp contrast to the traditional Capitol Hill visit. What better way to use power for good than to leverage empty apartments in an effort to change the lives of homeless families?  We as landlords have what I like to call ‘empty airline seats.’ As hard as we try, most of us will never be 100% full with a waiting list. Our ‘plane’ is flying, why not offer that empty ‘seat’ to a homeless family and change their lives?"
New Moves Partnership came as a result of the growing number of homeless children in Central Florida.  Many people saw the 60 Minutes episode that aired last March and spotlighted the more than 1000 children in Seminole County that go to school everyday yet don’t have a home to go to at night. The owners and leaders of one of our management company members saw this and felt compelled to take action, and New Moves Partnership was born.
Since the creation of this program, coalition partners have been working with countless agencies across Central Florida including: Pathways to Home, Harbor House, Jobs Partnership of Florida, Jewish Family Services, Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Homeless Services Network, and Osceola Public Schools.
The specific benefit being offered to each family varies based on their current financial situation. The package could range from no rent to a laddered package with gradually increasing rent. A structured rent and deposit program allows the family to save some money at the beginning of their lease term and gradually increase so at the end of the lease they’re ready to resume a traditional lease agreement. It is the hope that participating in the New Moves Partnership is a beginning to self sufficiency - a hand up, not a hand out.
Our elected officials and staff in both Tallahassee and D.C. were encouraged by our efforts and expressed interest in seeing the program expand statewide. If you are interested in learning more about this program or would like to get involved at the state level, please contact Lori Trainer at or Katie Wrenn at Katie & Lori are the Co-Chairmen of FAA's Housing for the Homeless Task Force.

Thank you!

Thanks to all our members who took time out of their busy schedules to represent our industry and our state at the national level!  Your continued involvement is vital to the successful communication and advancement of our shared goals!