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From the Desk of Tony Thornton, AFA Executive Director
As we deal with these uncertain times, we as an industry have a choice to make. We can accept the fact, life as we know it has been turned upside down, but instead of finding all the negative and bad things, let’s focus on the positive and good things.
We all have choices to make and we can either accept the negative consequences or positive consequences. I personally have lived my life in a positive manner and nothing will change this.
I have spoken to several contractors this week and they all have stated that they have 3-4 months of work and they are putting the pressure on the supplier/wholesalers to deliver the products and put on their yards so if in fact a Government Shut Down occurs, they are better prepared.
This is a forward-thinking vision that will make them successful regardless of a shut down or economic slow-down. I have stated several times over my fencing career, that we have some of the most robust and hardest working people in any trade and now is the time to show it. We don’t accept the fact of making excuses to fail, but we make the decision to be successful!!! We have that choice, so please join me and many others in making the best from a situation that we cannot control.
Your company will survive this issue, if you implement forward thinking strategies and market focused solutions and by you doing this, others will follow in these decisions to make our work environment better for the future.
So, I challenge each of you to accept the fact we can’t control the issue, but we can take a POSTIVE approach and plan accordingly. The outcome is our decision and we shouldn’t allow any negative or bad energy be part of our focus and future.
Keep on Fencing!!!

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