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AFA Education Foundation’s 2024 Action Plan: Driving Success Through Focused Campaigns

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American Fence Association Education Foundation: 2024 Strategic Plan

Leaders Supporting Leaders
The Foundation’s year-long Leadership Gifts Campaign aims to rally the support of volunteer leaders within our organization. By setting achievable participation goals, we will recognize and celebrate our leaders’ contributions at key events, particularly during FENCETECH. Targeted email and social media solicitation campaigns will focus on how industry leaders help to build more industry leaders. Collecting testimonials will be a crucial part of this campaign, showcasing why our leaders support the Foundation and inspiring others to follow their lead.

Corporate Gifts For Academic Achievement
We will also focus on corporate gifts to support AFAEF academic scholarships. Each year, the Foundation awards academic scholarships to deserving students in the fence industry. This Campaign targets corporate donors, with the academic scholarships awarded at 2025 FENCETECH in Salt Lake City. Engaging corporate donors in a meaningful way will secure financial support for deserving students and deepen our supplier’s involvement in the Foundation.

Special Interest Groups and Chapter Support for AFA University
As we move into the latter half of the year, our efforts will turn toward supporting AFA University, specifically for AFAU scholarships. We will craft compelling scholarship-giving messages and will work closely with AFA’s special interest groups and chapters to develop tailored giving plans that resonate. By continuously sharing the impact of AFA University programs, we aim to build momentum for the fall. This giving strategy supports the AFA University Fence program in Tulsa and the Gate program in Dallas

End-of-Year Giving
Our final campaign of the year will focus on end-of-year giving. The approach here is to keep it simple, emphasizing the personal stories of those who support the Foundation and those who benefit from its programs. By highlighting the voices of donors and recipients, we will create a compelling narrative that underscores the impact of every contribution.

In summary, the AFA Educational Foundation’s 2024 action plan is designed to build a stronger team, foster understanding of our mission, and engage our donors through clear, focused campaigns. Together, we can achieve our goals and continue to support the educational needs of our industry.


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