The fence industry has lost a true Mensch! Though some in the fence industry may have never known or heard of him, Don Naidus was very influential in many corners of our industry. In about 1966 Don bought the business known at the time as Colorguard and, if you knew Don, you knew that he was Mr. Colorguard! While at Colorguard Don travelled around the country amassing a great collection of friends and made many valuable contacts within the industry in an effort to get his products accepted and sold. Don sold his interests in Colorguard in 1990 to Master Halco.
Trying to figure out what to do with his time, he thought about how he could use all of his contacts and personal relationships to the advantage of both himself and his many friends. In 1995 he started a yearly gathering and networking group which actually ended up being called "The Fence Group." This group began meeting every year for a number of days during the summer to network and interface with some of the best contractors, manufacturers and suppliers from all over the country, with very few of them having overlapping business interests. Trying to make it a family type of event, Don encouraged everyone to bring their families along for the trip. In between the planning and executing the yearly event for "The Fence Group," Don and his wife Marie Elaina worked hard at bringing together members of "The Fence Group" and recruit new members. Always reaching out for new contacts and bringing new people into "The Fence Group."
Don’s real talent rested with his ability to bring us all together. Over these past 22 years, we have made many good friends within "The Fence Group" and we really enjoy spending time with them and seeing them at other Industry events as well. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Don’s family and to all of "The Fence Group" members who were the recipients of Don’s rare gifts. Don was always a good sport; a number of times at the final banquet dinner at our meetings we would figure out some sort of entertainment for all of the attendees. We had dressed him as a biker, a prince, and as an angel; all of this was in good fun and really went a long way toward bringing "The Fence Group" together.
Don left us, but his wife of many years and longtime partner, Marie Elaina is planning on keeping the group running and will pick up where Don left off. He will be missed, only a few people who one meets in their lifetime will have the same kind of impact as Don had on us. Rest in Peace, my friend!