Engaged! July 18-20, 2023 | Nashville, TN


Are you ready to take your career and the impact you make on our industry to the next level? Then July 18-20 in Nashville is the place you need to be. AFA’s Mid-Year meeting has been reimagined and renamed. ENGAGED is designed to expand our volunteer opportunities and alignment, hone and elevate the skills of emerging leaders, strengthen our community, and help define our collective future.

ENGAGED is also where we will launch AFA’s first-ever comprehensive leadership training program that will teach you to become a more effective leader, manager, and communicator. The AFA Leadership Academy is a highly interactive two-day program that will equip you with the ability, knowledge, and mindset necessary to succeed each time you step up to lead.
Check out the detailed Academy course work here.

In addition, hands-on learning and application customized specifically for fence, gate, and perimeter security professionals, you'll also network with other aspiring leaders and experienced mentors who are guiding AFA and our industry into a future with limitless potential.

Register here! ENGAGED! Industry Leadership Conference | American Fence Association