Protect Yourself from Scammers During ID Theft Awareness Week


ID Theft Awareness Week is January 29 – Feb 2, 2024.
Scams are designed to either steal your money or steal your identity to take your money later. Scammers use a range of techniques to collect personally identifiable information (PII).

Fortunately, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) offers many resources to help consumers protect their identity from scammers. They also provide tips for spotting and preventing potential scam, such as:

• Looking for unexplained withdrawals, charges, and accounts. 
• Noting unauthorized inquiries and accounts under your credit report history.
• Using strong passwords - and never using the same password on multiple sites.
• Shredding outdated documents with personal information.

Follow these links to learn more:
FTC's Identity Theft Site
• BBB Tip: How to Protect Your Identity from a Data Breach
10 BBB Tips to Avoid Scams